I think I'm gonna pop the question to this person

93  2018-07-31 by PissyEyedFaggot


Jim is simply being comforted here; his egg whites arrived 30 seconds past 9:00 this morning and the giant baby needed to vent while being comforted

those scccumbags put a single atom of salt on my eggwhites... I can taste it... yuck!!

shhhhh jimmy it's going to be okay shhhhh

You know he yearns for a giantess to cradle him in her arms, whispering encouragements in his ear. Shit, i think I do too.

Point of order: She appears to have a vagina.

'Fucking scummmmmmbag'

What really bugs me is the ***guh-ROVVVV-ELLLL-ing***

Well now that your cherry has already been popped, that's only fair.

God what a wierd photo. The lil naked dude is wearing shoes AND socks, there's a 90s CRT TV, the chick is oddly hot, with a 'chest piece' tattoo?? This image is gonna stick with me for a bit.

I don't know man. You might want to check out a 12 step program. Go to meetings, man. Just as many as you can. Thanks for calling in.

That woman is 4'2.

Put NSFW on this shit, the mods are assholes but you don't need to be.

I don't know how to put tags on things and furthermore, I also don't know how to not be an asshole. Sorry buckaroo.

Me too, I feel ya brother.

The devil is working on a new eternal torture where the subject has to watch Norton eat eggs and mustard while he passionately denies being gay and denies shitting the room up with his fag farts for the rest of time.

I thought this was PFG porn

Ya know what dude, ya got your socks and shoes on while naked, ya got your 8 1/2 foot tall Amazonian woman holding ya, and boom, porno movie for complete weirdos.

big fan of her box

Link to the video? Asking for a friend

something’s missing in this picture...

Is that Jim Norton?