Could Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande have courted each other at a high profile sex club?

0  2018-07-31 by RahShieWoo

A true hollywood tale.

EXHIBIT A (tattoo he had removed from his neck along with the instagram that held this photo)


Want to keep it short this time but there is more to this story here for sure.


I'm not positive about this and I have no concrete evidence whatsoever, hell, not even a strong hunch, but the art in exhibit B looks strange and weird to me and this is a rather unusual set of circumstances. Gentlemen, the Hollywood pedophilia rabbit hole just got 10 feet deeper.

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson fuck kids. The rabbit tattoo must represent the masks Hollywood elites wear when they rape third world children at sex parties.

Who gives a fuck? This guy is such a clear jerkoff. Why people post about him here is ridiculous. Like people that post about the chef and shit from his social media. Yes... I get that they’re loosely tied to the O&A franchise but who gives even the slightest fuck about these cunts?

“What’s going on w/ Pete and Ariana’s relationship?!”

Go fuck yourself.

It's the stupid latex mask she wore and used as the gimmick for her album and tour: