Reminder: Opie thought Colin's book was an actual coloring book

56  2018-07-31 by BoboOrbani55


I remember this. How can you steer a ship when you're fucking blind, Opie!?

This was the moment I made the decision to quit listening to the show. At first I was embarrassed for him for being that fucking oblivious, then when he got defensive in his “new deeper radio voice” I got infuriated at myself for still listening. Colin is one of the shows oldest and dearest friends and this dummy was clueless about his book outside of a twitter post.

Opie's a moron and that Colin book sucked ass lips

mail it to me then

Colin called Tits "asinine" and Tits chuckled along because he doesn't know what it means.

That chick has a terrible face and tits but her asinine.

Its actually admirable how far he got while being this stupid.

They really are like the wizard of oz, idiot Opie drifting along look for a brain, cowardly Ant never able to stand up to anyone including the streetwalker who took his multimillion dollar career from him, and Jim, forever the wayward addict, constantly looking to fill that emotionless black hole with sex and celebrities because somehow thats more nobel then when he was drinking and doing drugs, the heartless little worm

Someone put funny Wizard Of Oz/ O&A lines as a reply to this comment I can’t think of any.

Good show prep, stupid.

"That's all I saw on Twitter!"

"I gotta defend myself a bit." Die.

Just... what are the odds Colin would release an actual coloring book? Why would he release a coloring book? Ugh god...

How can you possibly listen to this horseshit.

Jim's "I dont know how to respond to that" is just perfect. This is a prime example of anyone else getting their ass chewed out for the rest of the show but Captian opie wouldnt be able to take a joke. He has to "defend himself" even though nobody even said anything.

I fucking hate Opie, and jim and ant for never calling him out for this shit, why were they all so afraid, its not like he could fire them both, they were the only talent on the show

This was the moment I made the decision to quit listening to the show. At first I was embarrassed for him for being that fucking oblivious, then when he got defensive in his “new deeper radio voice” I got infuriated at myself for still listening. Colin is one of the shows oldest and dearest friends and this dummy was clueless about his book outside of a twitter post.