This is not Photoshopped

100  2018-07-31 by just_lou


thats his she doesn't have a dick face

Elliot Ghoul.

If he shaved his head I can see a little guiliani in the face

Nice eyesight, stupid.

Who does he think he is fooling with that soy sauce on his head?

He looks like Bob Pinciotti. Same wig too.

wtf a couple of days ago I posted an Anthony/Lou Reed picture and got nothing... all pictures of them look like ready-to-die prunes, but I'm the asshole now?

But yeah, Tony Two Shirts, soy sauce hair, and burn victim skin reciting unfunny shit... God I wish he was in a wooden box

cmon baby don't fear the downvotes

I do enjoy a good raping from time to time

He looks like he is in the process of staring directly into the ark of the covenant

This is clearly photoshopped. Like there’s just a random turtle behind him on stage. Bullshit.

Rudy Giuliani looks like shit

As he’s aged, he now cross dresses as a much older woman.

This guy is getting a rock head of Scott Shannon proportions.

Fabio Capello? Fawk.

More like El Goblino

Picking the wrong necronomicon will do that to you.

Bob Faget

Looks like my Grandmother preparing to read a birthday card.

Rudy Ghouliani.

Looks like Michael Jackson from the Thriller video

from the thumbnail, i thought it was going to be that "i quit comedy" dyke

Cumia is legally blind with dem spectacles

Albert Brooks lookin' ass nigga.

My grandmother used to make that exact same face when she'd become flummoxed by the TV remote.

The look of both pain and satisfaction as Mr. Missy inserts the egg.

It's like Ceausescu making his final speech.

He's pulling the same face as in the Mike Tyson photo

I haven't been on this sub in months.

Glad to see it hasn't changed one bit.

He looks like possessed Ash from Evil Dead 2

She's hideous.

Whoever he's the "portrait of Dorian Gray" for is getting up to some real nasty shit

More like El Goblino