The first post about Opie & Anthony on the internet. From 1995.

3  2018-07-31 by BoboOrbani55

6 comments!original/

Date: 1996/10/04

WAAF in ripping off Howard, and doing a good job at it! Does Howard ever mentoin these guys? Does he realize Opie and Andy are almost as cool as him, is he threatened? Any Bostonians have a clue what I am talking about?

Date: 1996/10/08

This Opie & Anthony keep saying that the would destroy Stern in the morning, and that Howard steals from them, and all this crap, but if you saw tonights E show repeat (The Jackie Impersonators) That shit-for-brains who did the HORRIBLE Kinison imitation, and the one who had that pleading look in his face for Howard to sign his book, was that loser Anthony.

Even back then Opie was delusional when it came to Howard and everyone online could see it:

Subject: Any Boston area Listners? Date: 1996/10/28

I was listening to the Opie and Anthony show tonight on WAAF 107.3 IN Boston. The are a couple of young guys, doing cutting edge bits and are pretty funny. They owe a lot to Stern. A listener called in and asked why they said Howard was stealing their bits; that Howard was the originator. They proceeded to give a list of names they said Howard has gotten all his stuff from, and including a guy who supposedly did lesbian dial a date before Howard. The caller laughed when Opie suggested that Howard listens to their show for ideas. Then what happened next really makes me curious. Opie played an answering machine message that was obviously out of context but nonetheless odd. It was GaryBooey calling and there was no mistaking it. "Opie, this is Gary from the Howard Stern show, we heard you were really good and were wondering if you could send us a tape...."

Am I a fagget for frequently reading old threads via the WayBack Machine from the defunct radio forum I was on from 03-09?


I want to be a fagget too. Link please.

I do wish I could find the thread I made an hour after I lost my virginity lol. Being 16 and on the internet back then was so much more fun then it is now.