Jim is either on meth or adderall

26  2018-07-31 by peopleforgetthat

He’s sounds speedy as fuck, not just on coffee


You think a recovering alcoholic since he was 17 would dare touch an adderall, let alone meth?

It's a very common drug in his community.

You could if you could convince yourself you have adhd. A couple of years ago, was a fairly regular listener of Greg Fitzisimmons podcast and he was open about his aderall(which is basically amphetamine,right?) use saying it helped him a lot and he was at that time sober from drugs and alchohol for at least ten years,if not more.

Jay Mohr,who is probably a bit nuts, said he always has a klonopin tab in his pocket and that saved his life from drugs and alchohol and klonopin is some sort of benzo shit,right? Vos also said something about using that shit as well,the anti-panic drug. So these three who are real addicts and a bit nuts can use basically hardcore drugs because their addict brain tells them it's not a real drug it's "medicine".

So yeah it's possible e could be on speed bc his doctor told him so. SAme for egg whites and other meme shit.

He's just a nervous Nelly.

he is starting to sound like patrices impression of him

blablabla....blalblabla...blablabla..(deep throating noises at the end)

Bapapapa aids

Bapapapa SARS

He's just high on life.

he's probably on a lot of meds. Jim wouldn't take meth now. It's prescribed stuff.

didn't realize meth and adderall were different.

Idk if you're being serious but I see a lot of faggots peddling this narrative that adderall and meth are "basically the same thing MAAANNN" and while they're chemically similar they're also very different in terms of potency, neurotoxicity, and addictive potential.

meth is to adderall what straight gin is to an appletini

jimmys gonna go out like the twink who was fucking paul lynde that night

He said he didn't sleep for four nights. Adderall or Vyvanse is what I would expect, or a manic episode.

edgemainia 2018

Vyvanse is time release, you'd have to snort it or something I'm guessing?

Even with the time release it is pretty potent after 30mg

I forget the dosages on Vyvanse. My son used to take it.

Jim took half an Ambien for a sleep study and they gave him a months worth and he threw away the other 29. I can't imagine he's taking anything that can be habit forming.

He says he does these things.Most of the shit jim talks is a lie.

That Instagram thing also had signs of a shitty adderall comedown. Personally, though, I think he's just fucked in the head.

Hes way too much of a 12 step faggot to take anything harder than ibuprofen, theres no fucking way hes just decided to "throw away his sobriety" by doing good drugs at 54 or however old he is now.

he smoked for 15 years

Cigs are encouraged in the 12 step programs.

You're kind of forced to because everyone goes outside for a smoke after the meeting to hangout

cigarettes and coffee are how 12 steppers cling to their former habits

He's probably abusing caffeine pills. That would make sense in his warp mind.

Jimmy has a history of sinus trouble, bet you he eats Sudafed like Pez. It'll make you all jittery and twitchy but not in a fun way like with real amphetamines.

ephedrine sucks dick

Agreed, and so does Jimmy. So there you go.

Could it be Parkinson’s?

I'd put money on it. He's a sexual deviant obsessed with edging and stimulants are perfect for that.

As if those two things are even comparable. Yes I know both are amphetamines. But it’s like saying “I either just ate some Franks Red Hot or a ghost pepper but I can’t tell which.” This new thing with people talking about Adderall like it’s some serious street drug is both very funny and ridiculous.

Eating meth and eating Adderall is not very different at all imo.

Recovering addict. Talks about his addiction to cialis, man ass, taking loads deep in his dumper and wearing makeup.

Truly recovering. Lying asshole

no no no, he's in recovery

He asked for prep pills, instead he got pep pills.

Bapapapa aids

edgemainia 2018

Vyvanse is time release, you'd have to snort it or something I'm guessing?

That Instagram thing also had signs of a shitty adderall comedown. Personally, though, I think he's just fucked in the head.