Seriously guys what is the tree fort in reference too? Vos went to the treefort and that keeps his career afloat?

0  2018-07-31 by RahShieWoo

6 comments It starts about 3 minutes in if you want the full context.

Linger longer ya fruit. Richard tree house should be a sufficient search.

That is the place anthony's friend offered to suck his dick. That is not what they where talking about.

Oh, the secret oath thing, right. You're a fucking spaz dude.

I didn't go looking for it It happened at the beginning of the episode.

You think Nick was serious about the secret oath though, right?

I think that he was trying to reference something that was serious using a playful treefort metaphor.

You are dumb.

And that's plausible to you?

Treefort Richard

That makes it even more of a fucked up thing. Vos has to suck dick? come on now I was thinkin about a few poker tables and cigar smoke and I am the loon?

I really fucked up this time . The tree fort was the name of the gig that vos had coming up. They announced it at the beginning of the show lol. I just heard the secret oath part and assumed it was something they just brought up

That is the place anthony's friend offered to suck his dick. That is not what they where talking about.