Opie Podcast Episode #26 - Play-By-Play Analysis

79  2018-07-31 by NateJay82

Episode #26 – Nantucket Extras: Stop Playing With Your Pud! (Vic Henley, & Carl Ruiz). July 30 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • This episode is comprised of unused clips from the previous two Nantucket episodes.
  • Carl and Opie talk in an alleyway where they recall getting drunk at a bar the night before.
  • Opie autistically argues with a married couple and compliments a woman for breastfeeding.
  • Carl switches between laughing and chastising Opie for shouting comments at random people.
  • Opie complains about the wind ruining his podcast. He refuses to pay $20 for a whale tour.
  • We switch to Opie sitting alone in his hotel room reading ads and waiting to interview Vic.
  • Vic and Opie sit down at a bar reminiscing about their previous trips to Nantucket.
  • They talk about Evel Knievel, seal ears, shark attacks, immigration, and different jeep models.
  • “The jumps that Evel did were actually really simple and basic” – Aerodynamics Expert Opie.
  • Vic explains his love for soccer and displays his pathetic self-deprecation and white guilt.
  • Carl recounts his embarrassing morning with Opie. Opie defends his breastfeeding fetish.
  • Vic tells a (probably fake) story about bonding with and giving fashion advice to John Kerry.
  • Opie recalls making Steven Wright uncomfortable by shouting at him with zero remorse.
  • He interviews Tony V and Tracy Morgan while inviting himself back to next year’s festival.
  • Opie and Tony discuss the same Nantucket subjects before Opie finally leaves for the airport.

Best Moment: Carl discovering the kryptonite to Opie’s autistic behavior is pedophile jokes.

Worst Moment: Opie recycling the leftover recordings from the previous two episodes and turning it into its own episode.

Overall: BrothermanBrothermanBrothermanThemBoysTalkBoutNothingTheyJustSpentTwoOrThreeDaysOutInNantucket/10


there doesn't seem to be anything here

Doesn’t look like anything to me

theres a show theres a show...its stranded!

Opie complains about the wind ruining his podcast. He refuses to pay $20 for a whale tour.

I got a crazy idea. What if instead of doing your podcast or radio show outdoors in the elements like all the other ones do, you do it indoors in some sort of studio?

maybe buy a decent mic too.

Might be getting a little crazy here, but maybe even a...wind filter? Nah. That probably wouldn't help with the wind.

I have read that it is extremely difficult to get podcasting equipment into the city.

Why would he want to be cooped up in one of those (especially if it was stuffy)?

Besides, you put Tits in a studio, you take away the only crayon in his crayon box; witlessly annoying and insulting strangers, and calling it "cringe comedy".

Oh no, that was horrendous.

Ugh, Norton: “I’m surprised you don’t shave it, man, I shave all of it!”

Nobody cares, you absolute fucking faggot.

Opie looked down at the editing room floor and thought to himself, “Fuck this, it’s all gold. We can’t throw it out.” He turns to Carl, “You know what I’m thinking?” They both simultaneously crack a smile and exclaim together, “DOUBLE ALBUM!!!”, while high fiving.

you got the touch!

Is it a good sign I can't even get through the recaps?

Crisp summary. It's also good to know that Opie's paraphilia matches Ant and Jim. The glue that kept them aligned through the hate years, if you will. Secret's finally revealed.

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ME: I coulda been a FAWKIN DAREDEVIL!

I wonder if there’s people out there with no prior knowledge of the Opie-verse, who stumbled upon this podcast while browsing though the comedy section, and after hearing a few episodes thought to themselves, “this is exactly the kind of entertainment my life needs as a regular fixture.”

Holy fuck this is depressing

Nantucket Trip: The Lost Tapes

This episode is comprised of unused clips from the previous two Nantucket episodes.


Best Moment: Carl discovering the kryptonite to Opie’s autistic behavior is pedophile jokes.

I thought he would have know this already. its not a secret he doesn't like Uncle Paul/Ant

Episode #26 - Another podcast from Nantucket. Joey opens the podcast as Tits cannot. Tits and Carl are recovering from the night before, they've just had breakfast. This annoys Carl. Tits describe the pretentious breakfast and dropping capers all over the place. They point out cheap stuff is repackaged for rich cunts to overpay for. Tits tells a story about distracting Steven Wright, he reminded him he was a guests once on O&A and Wright walked away. Wind is the first podcast sounds; Tits is paranoid that Joey will shit on him for the shit audio. Joey cuts in anyway. Carl got drunk last night; dancing with a negress before quitting early.

They cross the street and Opie gets paranoid about Joey again, Joey again cuts in with some sarcasm. Tits and Carl are still talking about the night before. They mention how obnoxious Fat Tongue was with the rich people. More irrelevancy. Carl is concerned with Tits autism. Tits gets cunty when a woman speaks. He says 'You're loud!' like an autist. Tits says another cunty thing to another woman, ME: 'Ah-right! You're not the only one walking around today, Ma'am.' Carl wants to leave. Tits talked about seeing the wind and says 'Right?' to the woman, which further distresses Carl. Tits compliments a guy on his car. Carl notices a woman breast-feeding which turns Tits on to no end, with his mother/pregnancy fetish. Tits tells her it's her right to breastfeed in public. Carl: 'What are you doing dude? I'm five minutes from running away from you as fast as I can.' They admire a Land Rover, Tits momentarily forgets that he does a podcast, not a radio show.

Carl leads Tits away from people. Tits notices this and Carl says he needs to keep him away from people to cut down on his autistic calling out to people. Tits says he felt he had to support the breast-feeding woman, regardless of whether or not she wanted to be noticed. Tits claims that Carl does not understand, when he is the one with many mental illnesses. They get back to last nights dinner. Carl admires old doorways. Tits talks to another passer-by, which exasperates Carl. Carl says that Tits is scaring people. Tits claims that he's just socializing, which Carl denies. A woman gives him a dirty look. All this shit in the first 13 minutes. How the fuck does Carl cope with this annoying cocksucker?

More podcast noises, with some birdsong. Carl hates this podcast. Tits seen an eagle and gets pissy about more wind on the mic. He gets cunty when a dog passes by because 'muh allergies'. He gets cunty with the dog owner, ME: 'Oh, this dog. I'm allergic. Jesus. I'm allergic to dogs. Ah-right, move on.' Carl calls him a fucking dickhead. Opie continues with the eagle story. Carl interrupts to mention that Tits is playing with his cock. More stuff about eagles, before Tits claims they've seen a Kardashian; Carl disagrees. Tits calls out that he loves their show anyway. Tits gets turned on with some girls licking some ice cream. Carl makes a pedo joke, which gets Tits very antsy. Carl knows how to get Tits now. Tits suggests hanging out at the ice cream joint to watch women eat ice cream. Another exhance with a woman, this time she says good morning, Tits says 'have fun at yoga'. Carl wants to throw Tits in the bushes. Tits calls out to the woman, asking if he was nice to her.

Still with the eagles. Tits still with the autistic talking to passers-by. More on eagles. Tits calls out Carl again for steering them to the quiet streets. Carl re-iterates he's tyring to curb Tits' calling out to strangers and calls him embarrassing, to which Tits predictably doubles down and calls out 'Hey, anyone around here?!? Hey! Hey! Anyone here?!?' More bird song, which Tits tries to mimic badly. More wind. More Land Rover talk. Tits hates the quiet. They are on Ash Lane in Nantucket. Again with the cobblestones story from last time. Car sounds. Tits going into the museum and asks how much to see the whales. The millionaire living on the Upper West Side of Manhattan complains when he's told that it's $20. Carl calls out his dickishness again. Tits claims that the guy agreed that it was overpriced. Tits tries to talk to a passing family, Carl wants to choke Tits. Joey calls out Tits for being a cheapskate cunt before segueing into Tits with The Hick Venley. Tits with a sponsor plug for Talkspace first from his motel and pleading for five star reviews. Tits spells out and repeats words again with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

Tits is with Hick, sitting in rocking chairs. They talk about where they are staying and the surrounding area. Tits came here when he lived in Boston and later with Bam's whore when they were dating in the early XM days. They rented mopeds. Tits surfed there and it was the first time he realized that he was getting older. They talk about sharks, cauliflower ears and flowers. They talk about local real estate and the rich locals being of famous business families. They talk about jeeps. Podcast sounds; a passing motorcycle. Tits talks about motorcycle accidents, stunt riders and Evel Knievel. Naturally, Hick knows all about the Knievel family and their individual histories. They talk more about Knievel stunts before going back to stand-up comics. Ron White rides by, which destroys Tits train of thought. They're not sure if it was Ron, but they talk about him anyway. Ron buys local clothes and never wears them again.

They mention that Hick left part-way through #24 and Tits gripes about getting an expensive hoodie - while embarrassing everyone - to match with the others, even though he didn't actually pay for it, as the cheap fuck let Gloria take-care of it. Tits says Fat Tongue was holding court at the bar and telling the DJ what to play, while Carl was in the middle of a bachelorette party. Now I realize this should have been podcast #25, instead of #26. Tits enjoyed the dancefloor being cleared and watching two hot women making out; Hick had missed it by stepping out. Hick talks about college sport in 'Bama again and watching the 1986 World Cup. Hick calls the Major League Soccer a farce. Tits notices a spider on Hick's chair and says that Hick's accent suits a rocking chair. They discuss rocking chairs breiefly until Carl suddenly cuts in with his obnoxious 'Booooooo!' Carl says his nap was interrupted by the maid, so he went drinking. Hick asks about earlier that day, at the start of this particular shitshow, and Carl calls Tits the most embarrassing human being. It turns out Tits stopped recording for five minutes over the pedo crack Carl made. Tits, filled with unnatural paranoia, actually took a video to prove they were old enough. We know Ant has his issues with ephebophilia, but shit! Tits talks about watching women lick ice cream cones again to Carl's disgust, Tits also mentions the nursing woman again.

They talk about food and Fat Tongue's loudness. They talk about rich people's dressing habits. Hick talked to John Kerry and asked him to untie his sweater from around his neck, to which he complied with. Kerry had brought his boat there 12 days early which cost a lot of money. Tits tells the Steven Wright ignoring him story again. They talk about rich locals again. Hick leaves to sit by the pool. Tits wants to check out the beach and Carl nopes out when he mentions bikes. Joey sets up the last act of this audio poison.

Tits talks to Tony (V?), who was performing the previous night. He says Carl gave him a cigar right out of his mouth and breaks his balls for doing so, before taking the cigar anyway. They talk with the organiser of the comedy festival. They criticize Carl's awful dress sense. Tits says they're going back to Nantucket next year. It turns out the organiser is the teens' mother from last time. No wonder they got so much air-time, fawk. The stage show took place the night before as well, so #24 and #25 were recorded on the same day. She's still griping about her kid being kicked out of Germany. They say goodbye to passing comedians on the way to departures. Tits and Carl say their surprisingly fond goodbyes before the moment is ruined by wanting to talk a photo, which they draft an annoyed Tony to do. We get some dead air and background noise for a moment as they take the photo.

Tits is in a car with Tony, who is taking the ferry, while Tits is taking the plane back to the mainland. Tits lies about his weight to pilots. Tony namedrops Patrice, who Tits calls one of his best friends (ME: 'We talked on the phone for hours.' *sniff). Tony knew Patrice when he was a doorman. They flew together to a gig and Patrice was terrified as it was probably his first ever flight. They talk about Patrice and the Menino death hoax. Tits desperately tried to get Menino on the Zoo Crew version of his show just to apologize, but Menino wisely refused. They criticize the cobblestones. The Nantucket TSA were creeped out by Tits podcast equipment. Tony leaves for his ferry. Joey finally clarifies that Tony was in fact Tony V. Tits immediately hands off to Joey to take us out of this podcast cancer, because he's too big for that fawking shit and doesn't want to record anything alone.


You said it, man.


I hope Carl breaks soon.

I hope so too. I can't understand why he tolerates Tits at all. Especially as he never got the $750 a show that Hick and Fat Tongue did, aside from the one-off $10K that Tits gave him, which was 6% of what the others were earning. Arguably, he has a bigger career than Tits now as one of Guy Fieri's guys.

Carl, like him or not, carries this shitty podcast. He's kinda entertaining and informative when he's not obnoxious and snobby as fuck. At least you can't see his awful fashion sense. You can notice how I can gloss over parts that Carl isn't in, but once he's in, I have to go into detail, as Tits goes full aspie and Carl gets pissed. I long for the day they have a fight, but pussy Tits would never air that on his podcast.

Interesting how Tits needs others to need him more (he resented Ant and Jim for carrying the show and being the main draw), but I sense Carl needs him less than the others and stomps Greggshells that would never have been stomped in Tits' heyday. That said, Fat Tongue has Race Wars and Hick has his meat truck. Without Sirius' studio, guest bookings and the $750 per show, I can't see this podcast lasting. I can't wait to see Tits humiliated again.

It's better if the other guy does this.

Opie must be paying them really well if they're sticking around and putting up with his Asperger's shit

He refuses to pay $20 for a whale tour.

Cheap rich people are hilarious.

compliments a woman for breastfeeding.

his obsession with pregnant/lactating women is disturbing. Then again maybe it's breast envy.

Did the fat tongued "where the white women at?" mongoloid We wuz kangz nignog(nigger) get arrested?

different jeep models.

Are they interested in a slightly used gold Jeep Liberty "Kuhn" edition?

“The jumps that Evel did were actually really simple and basic”

in a fucking Harley.


I can't believe he hasn't given up yet

There is no way Opie is still married...

Are they constantly visiting Nantucket or are the last 15 episodes all from one trip?

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Might be getting a little crazy here, but maybe even a...wind filter? Nah. That probably wouldn't help with the wind.