Hey, you boys and gehrls! Please buy my pal Antnee's book, "Permanently Suspindid"

10  2018-07-30 by Single_Action_Army


Suuuuuuure I will. I remember, not too long ago, whiling away the evenings, in a soapy bathtub wit Lil' Antnee. That boy loved his G.I. Joes.

I said, wanna see da cobra commandah? Close your eyyyes

Suuuuuuure, show Uncle Paul hiw da Cobra Commander flairs his litt'l hood.

"But unca pauh how canna see it witha eyes close" I SAID SHUT UP

I'd always say "c'mon, Antnee, let Uncle Paul get in there and scrub your follicles" and he'd go "no, Uncah Pawl, yaw going peepee!" and I'd go "ssssshhhhhhhh... gotta rinse ya."