Does anyone else here leave out a suicide note before autoerotic asphyxiation just in case?

2  2018-07-30 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


For who to read?

Suicide is most of the time what it is is the local freemasons killing people and calling it suicide. The pigs are in on it there is enough people who have to keep it secret or don't ask questions. This is the world we live in if you talk about this little cunt people try and shake you but this is how the world is .Think about it sometimes people do kill themselves but usually its because they are stuck in a satanic cult and don't want to be tortured to death. This is a real thing these people being left tied to doornobs are hits not suicides remember that.

take this nonsense to another sub

Freemasons kill people. Get over it and stop freaking out fuckhead. Masons kill people suicide doesnt exist.

If Freemasons really killed people then you’d be first on the list. Snitches get stitches, pal.

Wherent you the fella that was acting concerned about mental illness? Why the change of tone?


Haven't checked those yet, but when the fuck do you ever make a joke? It's always rambling conspiracy theories.

That's right. Swing and a miss I guess. Sometimes I stop going for a joke to just explain it but thats where people think its crazy. I could really lay it all out but your right. I usually just talk about conspiracy online and this is the only place that is sort of not in the fringe that I post on.

What were you even linking to though?

How would that make it better?

Norm MacDonald joke