TBF you need a very high IQ to understand "Permanently Suspended"

39  2018-07-29 by revt1



that's the face of a man who has fucked kids

How do you allow your hair to get that fucking greasy? That's disgusting. Bathe yourself you sad empty scrotum of a man.

Bathing yourself is exactly what the establishment WANTS!

I first became aware of it during the physical act of love... a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed.

Luckily I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred.

Women, sense my power, and they seek the life essence.

I do not avoid women. But I do deny them my essence.


notice the eye in the comicon logo. What a bunch of sellouts

Yeaaaah maaaaaan




I love this guy! He is a great man standing up against those Nazi Republicans! I’m Pickle Rick! hahahahahaha


Calling Republicans nazis is so fresh and trendy, never happened for the past 30 years.

How can a man make it past 16 and sincerely hold these beliefs? My head hurts.

He just looks like a greasy fucking retard who everyone plays jokes on. But somehow he's supposedly the brilliant jokester. I just don't buy it. He's bullying victim material.

Cartoon Network is nothing but sex offenders that never got arrested.

Erock x Slavoj Zizek

lmao this is the one anthony pedo thread that doesnt have 50+ upvotes cause it triggers OnA sjws