Cock Jock

70  2018-07-29 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Nana hasnt been this happy in her whole life

Black penises really do look like logs of shit.

they also remind me of a brontosaurs neck.

White penises look like veiny worms.

You need a balanced in-between.

What do Asian penises look like?


Three inches shorter

Egg rolls with two bites gone

You ain't suppose to bit it

If you're taking shits bigger than black cocks you're a fat mess sir.

Nana gags on one of these every night after removing her soy sauce colored wig

Looks like et’s finger.

This isn't the first he rode.

From 'Pocked cock' to 'shock jock' to 'cock jock' to 'mocked jock' to 'blocked jock'.

From hack job security, then back to obscurity.

thanks minister Farrakhan

u/Sams_Seed comment?