Would you have sex with a child for $1,000,000?

0  2018-07-29 by Suibu

Asking for a friend


I don’t have that kind of money

Must be nice to be rich.

there it is sniff we were all thinking it

It's legal to have sex with 16 year olds here (14 in neighbouring Sweden), it's debatable if 16 is a child or not but their rock hard, perky tits and cellulite free thighs and asses are enough incentive for me. 1m would be a nice bonus though.

How many people over there that don't pray 5 times a day fuck kids though?

Not many, it's still if not a social suicide but very much frowned upon. Those fucking sand niggers though, all they do is hang around at malls all day every day trying to pick up 13 year olds to fuck or just fuck them against their will. Fucking savages. And we pay all this fun with our tax money while these filthy animals go through all of Europe just to land here, as if other countries wouldn't suffice if they really are in danger but 90% of these fucking welfare refugees are aged 20-35, no women or children. Sweden is a fucking shit show and our leaders are happily following suit.

Arabs are better than Europeans.


At what, goat rape?

Who is making that stipulation? Expose the situation that would make that possible because something is broken with the establishment if that is going on.

define child

Wrong answer

Not a fat one.

Legal age is 16 where I am, so fawk yeah!

We can't all be Anthony's.

I think the age of consent in Japan is 13 so I'd just go there, do the deed, and take my money. Not my proudest moment, but hey it's s million bucks.

there it is sniff we were all thinking it

Not many, it's still if not a social suicide but very much frowned upon. Those fucking sand niggers though, all they do is hang around at malls all day every day trying to pick up 13 year olds to fuck or just fuck them against their will. Fucking savages. And we pay all this fun with our tax money while these filthy animals go through all of Europe just to land here, as if other countries wouldn't suffice if they really are in danger but 90% of these fucking welfare refugees are aged 20-35, no women or children. Sweden is a fucking shit show and our leaders are happily following suit.


At what, goat rape?