Fuck theo von. He is constantly alluding to goals of the elite as things that need to happen

0  2018-07-29 by RahShieWoo

Take this clip https://youtu.be/F4iAfouqW6M?t=728

He says that its not a guillotine in this clip yet he makes guillotine jokes and calls it a suprise party. He calls bobby lee "choppy chop"

Why so guilllotine theo? Why does he constantly talk about depopulation like "someday hopefully we can kill people who don't have empathy for others", He also makes up some of his stories. Not all but the one about the mexican kid at his highschool was a bit not a real story. Also he is obsessed with how he looks and has chin hair and a mullet because he is self concious about his neck. He is a manlet and I liked him as a guest on opie radio he also is one of the most consistantly funny comics out there but he made guillotine jokes. Game over he is a sellout. Some things you can not joke about because its literally like (i hate this analogy but its true) people saying that the holocaust wasent happening in nazi germany? WHY? Anyone who alludes to beheading like jim norton is a sellout why? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKpQljw6dd0

He also said that electricity makes people weak and if the lights stayed out we could be who we really are.America does not need an emp to bring everyone together jackass.

He said that we need to check and take roll call of everyone in america. What like mandatory police checks and searches?

He was doing it with joe too. He is in some way being fed or trying to say these things and make it seem like common sense. Its not his ideas thats why him alluding to modern day guillotines in any way with bobby lee is out of control.


I don't think that the "electricity makes people weak" thing was an allusion to an EMP, I think he believes things like that because he's very nearly retarded.

I hope so he is one of my favorites but something is off I think its a hollywood thing. What the fuck is he talking about when he says "getting caught up in the dark arts"? What is he a satanist?

Again, I think he's just kind of dumb and you need some fucking lentil soup asap.

edgy, you seem far more dumb then him.

Satan isn't real dude, don't worry.

LOL he uses that as a euphemism for degenerate behavior. He's just trying to be funny and that's him usually referrering to masturbation. he had a real problem with porn which he said made it impossible to have a relationship.

I agree that von is a stupid fag only because I remember his gay ass from road rules. But are you fucking retarded? What is all this guillotine nonsense? And you earnestly listen to opies podcast? Or if this is a bit, my face will be red!

you typed out a lot of words to say nothing

I agree 100% with everything you talked about in this sensible and concise post.

He's a Nicaraguan, if that helps.

I haven't heard his stuff in a while but you should take his quick pontificatations as autism straight from a degenerate comedian who has to fill an hour of podcasting. Denounce his errors where you can and cut back on the consumption of his stuff so he doesn't gain clicks.

I think during the Charlottesville march by white advocate he didn't want to vilify "nazis" like everyone else did. It reminded me of how some people don't see the confederates as bad guys since they were Americans too. I thought that was mature of him.

also depopulation isnt a bad thing. Most shithole countries wouldn't be shitholes if they had less kids and picked up books.

fwiw OP, this thread was doing well until mod TheToolMan deleted this post. he's an SJW who wants the front page filled with nothing anti-racism cumia signaling, he comes here daily for hours and deletes things like this despite getting upvoted and directly relating to comedy/ona

This post hasn't been deleted you paranoid dimwit.

if that's the case it's a ceddit.com error. the general content of my statement is still truthful and can be back up

I've made more than one post criticizing the mods for being faggots. I'm sure you'll find them if you continue searching for "dirt" in my user history.


What the fuck are you waffling on about you mongoloid?

edgy, you seem far more dumb then him.