Jim and sam both where afraid to talk about the mafia in montreal."We're not gonna talk about that". The mafia does not exist its wops showing off.What happened to lil chippy d?

0  2018-07-29 by RahShieWoo

Guiseppe mazzini created the mafia with albert pike. The mafia is a product therefore of freemasonry. Jim was afraid to mention freemason cartels but he is not afraid to shoehorn in the 4 types of pillars and talk about tuscan columns to appease listeners who are masons and have to learn that. He will do that and constantly call back the pillar talk. He will make inside jokes about freemasonry but never dare say the word freemason or mason unless he is belittling conspiracies or something making it seem like its not suspicious. He won't even include masonry in when he was naming secret societies like the rockefellas etc. Travis and sam where doing the stonecutters "we do" song and jim pretended to not know what it was and then he tried to say it was a goof on the vanderbelts and the catholics. This fucking coward uses sex for sam as a blood drop tattoo against the catholics as his big statement against the epidemical preist boyfucking but he won't even do uncle paul for pizzagate because its "to real for uncle paul". Yea do uncle paul around the world accents and bash catholics and then panic when you are implicated in jeselniks constant pedophile dogwhisteling on twitter.


Paragraphs and coherent thoughts, use them.

This guy shows up every so often when the meds runs out and goes absolutely crazy with posting for a few days before he disappears again. Just wait him out.

I ❤ him thats my people. I have so many questions about the pillars/columns


The illuminati deleted the post...

That doesn't help explain what you're talking about...

Ok so there are different types of columns in architecture - corinthian, ionic, etc and there are also pillars of the illuminati there is a connection to rome and the vatican... Idk thats why i need clarification to explore this further but op has been silenced they dont want us to know

So you think there's a conspiracy to... use certain architecture? What modern building even has pillars anyway?

No the ancient buildings in greece and rome have secret symbols and powers that have survived many generations and have been harnessed by the modern day illuminati. Look at the damn white house dont be stupid

So? Greece is a fucking cashless wildfire and Rome fell, famously. If they had the magic pillars why did they fall? The irony of you telling me not to be stupid right now is fantastic.

Yeah, look at the damn whitehouse, don’t be stupid and what not.

They shaped western civilization and continue to live on through romance languages democracy etc. British motherfuckers takin all they artifacts and the power along with it. Influencing wahington dc jefferson memorial all kinds of shit


Interesting because the masons have two roman-like columns in their lodge that symbolize something

Man fuck catholics and the pope of rome 🔥🔥🔥🔥

tsss why not woman fuck them or sumthin

my protestant blood agrees

It always killed me that Jim refused to be critical or discuss El Chapo too much— flat out saying he was worried he’d send guys after him.

Jim, someone from this sub is more likely to murder you than a cartel is.

Much, much more likely

They know that Tits goes deep with the fawkin' Mafia.