Female comedians be like...

103  2018-07-29 by Suibu


"A Rite Aid??" "HAHAHA!!!! HO LEEE SHIT!!!"


On a related note, any man that claims they think a female comedian is funny is a goddamn liar. A woman may on occasion do or say something funny (usually by accident). But these try-hard wannabe "just one of the guys" broads that call themselves comics are all terrible. Quit pretending they have talent in the hopes that they'll magically somehow fuck you.

Somebody hasn't seen the Ellen DeGeneres special where she raps Salt-n-Pepa's Shoop.

Was Ellen ever funny? I feel like i saw an old special of hers that was alright. never understood this top 5 or 10 all time shit though

She's got a killer bit about yogurt.

And her bit about Roll on Vs Spay deodorants.....

Jim used to always say he thought Ellen was a legitimately funny stand up. Then again, Jim says a lot of dumb shit.

He never criticises comedians. That would break the Keith Robinson rule of "not fucking with peoples money". He did sarcastically laugh at Dave Smith.

Jim never shit on another comedian though, did he? He defended Billy Crystal. Jim definitely just said that because she's famous and maybe someday she'll somehow give him a job.

I've always had the suspicion Ellen is alot less leftist than she appears to be. Yeah she's all for gay rights considering she being a muffdiver

Ellen's fanbase these days are flyover state mom's and grandmothers. "Gays are people too" is about as far she's willing to rock the boat politically regardless of her personal stance.

Joe Brand has made me laugh more than a lot of male comics

Women are what you call “on” funny. Others are just regular.

Think you’re preaching to the crowd here, brother

The god damn simpsons covered everything

Ellen's fanbase these days are flyover state mom's and grandmothers. "Gays are people too" is about as far she's willing to rock the boat politically regardless of her personal stance.