Nah, you're a wet-brained, racist old pedophille that can't follow the rules and behave.

83  2018-07-28 by AnthonyGroomia


This might be one of the douchiest things I've ever read. Also, it's funny that 4 days without tweeting is so out of the ordinary for him that someone was genuinely concerned. He's the only person that tweets more often on vacation.

"There's more to come."

Like he's the one controlling Twitter stock.

Worst part is he controls absolutely nothing, not even his own company.

He only works two hours a day!

Remember when he agreed to a massive amount of Sirius stock as part of his contract and when it went to shit? This guy definitely knows investing.

Imagine being 60 and caring this much about fucking twitter.

I do all the time and it's like a scared straight program

If he wasnt so hatable it would be sad.

Sure can put a hat on him alright

What happened to that man

Not enough man training in the shower with family members

He got lost

Like Jimmy, his strength was sitting back and making sarcastic comments at people. He mistook being witty with being interesting and thought he could carry an entire show. He can't, so he falls back on what he finds interesting which is super dull shit said in a boring manner.

If you listen back to old O&A, especially stuff where they deal with interns or their wack pack, he shows flashes of the current dullard but then backs off because Opie moves on or Jimmy makes fun of him.

I'm amongst the other greats

Did this motherfucker really say that?

I hate Anthony Cumia so much now. I'm still hilarious, I'm one of the greats. Who tells you that? That faggot Dave Landau you pay.

He's good looking also.

He pictures himself as a crusader

A martyr, if you will...

The Rape Crusader.

Anthony Cumia is ruining old Anthony Cumia for me

amongst the other greats

So he's a "great" now?

he's greating

What a self-important fucking queer.

His less than 700 subscribers make giant stocks fall 20%.

I believe that video had 200 viewers, sir

"I'm amongst the other greats on Twitter-"

Who the fuck says shit like this

Greats who rise again

He meant to say grates, as in grate faced monsters

Yeah well twiter sucks gay shit. It's only goodfor trolling and prizepigging idk why any of us civilians would ever be on it since al these faggotinos do is witch-hunt on it, Pinterest is for my real bitches

His brain is really like a lemon. He must've squeezed out every last bit of funny remaining to make room for this dry vagina.

...20% stock slide. There's more to come.

Retards like cumia think a 20% stock slide matters. Breitbart or some other right-wing fag blog will write an article celebrating that twitter or facebook's stock price has dropped and how any day now they're going to collapse for banning right-wingers. They do this every couple months and guess what happens? The stock price eventually returns to normal and in many cases surpasses it.

Twitter's stock was up 80% this year. The stock-market is just a jewish open-air casino, and none of it matters. That jack guy is still a billionaire and so is zucc. Facebook and twitter aren't in danger of collapsing and they're not going anywhere. Cumia is a wet-brained tranny cocksucker.

oppress, suppress, repress? oh no that's a lot of choices! unlike my employment options.

says the man on twitter..

He used to at least be a funny idiot but now the funny appears to be completely gone.

If I didn’t know who Ant was and you showed me a list of his tweets without his name attached, I would come to the inescapable conclusion that he was a mentally ill teenage girl who is addicted to Twitter and is slowly losing her mind.

Right. Twitter is still a 20 billion dollar company. Not a sunk cost empire...a 20 billion dollar company. That is what they could sell it for. Nana should watch her mouth. She shit her Depends last time she lost an account.

Ideologies like "theyre not people"

Please like anyone on Twitter would care what this nobody says.

It always someone else's fault.

Hasn't he been banned from their site 3 times and lost his multi million dollar job because of Twitter?

He’s nowhere near important enough.

You’d think he was Lenny Bruce being dragged off the stage by the cops mid-set.

Twitter is a heap of shit and getting worse. I was banned twice in 2 months for being a bot. One of them happened within 30 seconds of me making fun of something Ellen DeGeneres tweeted and the other one happened an hour after I commented on a tweet in a Chelsea Handler rant thread. The tweet showed Chelsea Handler getting pissed on from a boat and I made a joke about it and was banned. 3 day fucking ban for the Chelsea Handler thing and 12 hours for the Ellen comment.

I have no problem with twitter being a safe haven for liberals, celebrities and the assorted other groups of similar ilk but they can at least be honest about it and not try to pretend they aren't going after conservatives. Anthony is a drunken, delusional lunatic but twitter does hate conservatives.

I can now never listen to old o&a.