I've fucking had it with Israel. HAD IT.

24  2018-07-28 by TangerineReam


If foreign meddling in American politics is a sincere serious discussion to be had, it'd revolve around Kikeland, not Russia. Kikes have so deeply corrupted the American government in the interests of Israel it is not even funny.

It's hard to be mad at Israel for taking over the world so goddamn easily.

50 percent of money given to Republicans by lobbyist is from Israel. 30 percent for the Democrats.

That’s completely false.

I have the documents!

We looked at the data

They're putting chemicals in the water that are turning the freaking frogs jew!

Google it.

Maybe you should have googled it. First thing that comes up for me is the site that tracks lobbying and donations - the pro-Israel lobby (and not Israel itself, which would be illegal) isn’t even in the top 30 lobbying interest, let alone half of all GOP lobbying.


I wouldn't give them another dollar until they vulldoze the dome of the rock. That would be pretty fucking funny.

Never Forget...

Never Forget to go see Rich Vos Friday, August 3rd @ Uncle Vinnie's


Is this something norton is working on to tickle the ears of the alt kike? Fuck isreal fuck kikes but stop making it about the kikes constantly. You are only half right by blaming kikes its called the judeo-masonic faction there is a mafia a jewish mafia made up of goyim who give jews that power because the jews have the global masonic apperatus which is used to monopolize positions of influence.

I understand you have had it with isreal but you are gonna need to think a little more for yourself to understand whats going on. I stopped talking about the jews as soon as people started to blame them as blanket as a blanket to hide the coordination of the judeo-masonic faction. A jew is fine. Its the jews involved or in a cadre with jewish masons or in control of masons that are what people think of when they think about kikes. Its not edgy because there is an actual power dynamic that makes it so that saying kike is actually like the new "faggot" and not contriversial anymore. Now you see we have sam who can barley keep himself from laughing when talking about how scary antisemitism is now a days. The jews are not afraid of white nationalists they are afraid of the global masonic apperatus mutinizing against themselves and that is why sam is not acting slimey purely because he is a jew. Sam is slimey because he would rather you think he is slimey because he is a jew when he is slimey because he is a masonic family person who was given the wwe spot who was given the figure it out nickelodean spot for not even having a talent. I specifically recall seeing that episode with sam in it thinking if I could bend my fingers in a snappy way I could be on figure it out. He also though he made his way onto the opie and anthony show he is from that point to the current co-host spot now one of the most clearest signs of nepotism their is. And its not jewish nepotism because sam is one of the most clearest things you can point to to say that jews are a problem

What else is a jew but something to point at and look in disgust. What is more filthy is the thought that these hateable subhuman trash are plastered in positions of outer or public influence. Of course hollywood execs are gonna be kikes that way people don't figure out what hollywood is. Just blame the mud people acting like phil rosenthal with their kike audacity to be a party to a system which will completley irradicate them. Jews must hate themselves because they are trying to make it about them and how they are victims but they are afraid to say who is really in charge of this master race narrative. Of course blame the scraggely puppet face people that will show us who is making them dance on strings. But no. You want to do the ok hand sign and be an ironic proud boy because you think you actually think you can rationalize the truth of life through what the kike masonic cartels shove in your face.

I work in one of the many Jewish-dominated, high-paying, high-prestige industries. Every single c-level or near c-lelve executive is a Jew. Not "some," ALL of them. I am swimming in a preverbal Dead Sea of Jews at work every day. Sometimes the slip up and forget I'm a goy, and they say things like "playing Jewish geography," which is where they spend time telling each other who they know mutually, and how they can help one another further Jewish nepotism. Do you know who I've NEVER come in contact with at my work or in my personal life? A fucking Free Mason. So, yeah, I don't know what the fuck you're babbling on about re. "masons," but only a willfully blind fool would pretend that Jews don't exercise an absurdly outsized influence on just about every aspect of global society.


He's a faggot.

I'm a masonic jew but I just joined for the parties

Its not a definite thing but you look at any corrupt situation and will find either jews and or masons.

Oh, you've had it with Israel? Have you had it with Israel every week? Every day? Israel? When you've had it every week?


I miss David

What did Danny Ross do this time?

are they even people?

But I have NOT had it with Israeli women.

My favorite type of woman is a Jew with fat tits and a nice little sopping pussy. Cute adorable round face. Goddamn.

I love them

They're just Eastern Europeans you moron.