I listened to JnS the other day to hear colin. That black chick was good. I wish she was more familiar with them. She had good digs

8  2018-07-28 by CONCHOPETEghostcock

End Communication


In terms of black female comedians, I only know her and Yameneka. She wins by a landslide.

Yameneka looks like a landslide


Vurry good. That's the line. I knew one of us would get there.

I was about to say that

Isn't she the one that who fought with Stanhope a few months ago?

Yup. That humorless unfunny bitch, that's the one.

She also got some heat for an article she wrote shaming the cast of Black Panther for having white wives. She really is just a self-obsessed piece of shit.

She’s not bad. I think she was on Opie and Jim once and she killed. Has an interesting history. She rehashed some of it the other day, selling drugs and going to prison, having a baby when she was a teenager, getting shot two times.

She lives in Indiana if i recall. She should move to. New York or LA cause from what I’ve seen she’s funnier than most.

And for those who don’t know who I’m talking about, it’s Ms Pat. She was on Rogan once too and it was good

Good nigs, good digs

Sams_seed, comment?

Ms. Pat's original podcast tours a few years back was great. Her appearances on The Crabfeast and JRE are must listens.

She was on a podcast last year talking about how during the Falcons/Patriots Superbowl, she was at the game, and her husband's sister was in Atlanta at home partying and during the third quarter she got a call from her husband saying his sister is having a heart attack and Ms. Pat says "at that moment we was losing and I started crying screaming 'TOM BRADY I HATE THAT NIGGA! NIGGA BEATS MY TEAM TO WIN THE SUPERBOWL AND KILLS MY SISTER ALL IN ONE NIGHT?!' There's two white people I hate the most now. Ronald Reagan and Tom Brady....nigga killed my sister and broke my heart."

Idk that wasn't the verbatim quote but it made me stop the podcast and laugh for a bit because of the way she put it.

Her appearance on Rogan was dog shit. He's a comedic vacuum. Talkin' Shit with Eddie Ifft was the first time that I had heard of her and that's her best appearance.

Your Mom's House had a good appearance too.

Ms Pat is fantastic!
