Greggshells so strong it even comes across in text form.

42  2018-07-27 by Dennyislife


That’s not Greggshells. That’s his laid back spiritual high road persona. The ’Whatever, I know what the truth is but I’ll never explain it to you.’ shit.

He doesn’t care. Doesn’t bother him in the least. He could not give a fucking shit. sniff period.

MY RESPONSE: I didn't even hear about that but good for him.

" K " is what Women text when they want to passive aggressively end the back and forth.

I also hate women.

He really is a women.

I seriously believe he did. Problem is it's too late. Just glad we get an early Jim Norton suicide out of this.

Wow. Did Opie really have a tweet that got 150 likes? That’s unprecedented. Opie’s spirits will be high for weeks coming off a huge success like that.

New character: Laid Back Gregg

We're not that clooooose. *sniff