Ant's show goes on Facebook live and Facebook stock immediately plummets 19 percent. SAD

107  2018-07-27 by ColonolStinkyFingers


Anthony made them lose 150 billion in one day.

Not bad for 40 subs, and 110 people who freeloaded off the RSS.

110 people who freeloaded off the RSS before they broke the site for everyone just to kill off the cheaters.

This is my favorite part of the trainwreck. Keith and Anthony have been bullied into breaking their own website.

Nothing makes me happier.

Dawn has a hairy butthole

I bet it slips right in though.


God I hope so

Love those Italian girls

How do they break an RSS feed though? It is so simple to configure it makes no sense that we are weeks in and it still doesn't function.

He sent FB to join Myspace in obscurity.

I'd take MySpace over Instagram.

People forming little online communities of friends with interest in similar media, hobbies, etc was a lot more tolerable than identical whores taking identical pictures in identical places.

No one cares

Face Pox

It's by far the best thing Anthony has ever done.

No one cares