Is anybody else sick and fucking tired of Patrices YouTube "fans"?

2  2018-07-27 by OpieHasTits

These fucking cunts make me sick. You know, the faggots all over the "Cellar Crowd" and "Comedians r Go" YouTube channels..."Patrice was the greatest comedian ever. I'm so sad he died. I wish he was still alive to give us his take on current events. I miss Patrice."

Fucking SHUT IT! Be grateful that he's dead, because if he hadn't died you'd never, ever have fucking heard of him. Fuck these faggots.


That last sentence is debatable.

I dont think he's on the same level as tupac/biggie or corbain of dick sicking by unoriginal faggots, but there are plenty of course

Kuht corbain was the voice of his generation, maaaahn!!


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what a stupid thing to complain about

Thanks for your carefully detailed input

Yeah or the faggots who say he's a genius and new women. He's a fat black aspergers who dated a behemoth and had 3some with slobs. Shitty taste in movies and thought staleness cry in Rambo first blood was great acting. I enjoy Patrice in some contexts but he is just a fat loud moronic black guy that got mercy laughs from those 3 losers.

Pat Cooper summed him up pretty well. "Slavery is over, and if you interrupt me again I'm going to start hating black people." I guess disliking him is just white tricks though.

Spot on. Guy was a massive hypocrite at times. But don't rock the boat and point that out because a bunch of internet losers that suck with women hang from his every word for saying things most people already know.

Yeah he really was stupid but was a rational thinker which is rare for o&a. The same reason people can listen to that bore rogan talk about nothing for 2 hrs, mindless faggot. It's easy to sound smart when you're surrounded by morons.

Patrice is so dumb he thought sneezing loudly without covering your mouth would keep you from getting sick.

if you think von is a behemoth you like cock

Shut up faggot she looks like black shrek

Sorry you cant talk about women if ones never touched you before

Right so shut up faggot

Hes my favorite comic of all time by far but i feel like the people that comment shit like that are mgtow losers who just like the fact that he trashed women and not his actual talent

We would have grown to hate his preachy fat stroke having, numb toed nigger too.

The fucks that act like he is some guru are the worse, he is doing a black mans version of Dices act from the '80s.

Thats why its funny retard

Eat a dick you noncontributing bore. You’re doing nothing but embarrassing yourself.

Patrice is unequivocally the funniest part of O&A. No one has made me laugh harder, think more deeply, and do it all in the same breath.

He was a comedic genius, and a zero like you is not gonna change that fact.

Oh, I'm so embarrassed in front of a sub full of degenerate losers.

Your complete lack of social skills removes you from being able to be embarrassed, that’s not something to be proud of you autistic nobody.

Look out, it's THIS guy! The world famous...ummm, who are you, sorry? I'm assuming you're SOMEBODY, or do you just call people nobodies?

Oh, wait... you are the guy who uses the "Patrice Scale of Hotness"...fucking LOL!!! Awww you're upset I spoke truth about your dead, fat idol!

He past


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I think you're misplacing your anger, be mad at the YouTube channels reuploading and renaming Patrice on O&A Material and don't blame the mindless, (mostly black) audience that never heard it before

patrice is one of my favorite comics ever, but if you enjoyed his opinions on women you should really check out his friend corey holcomb. they used to live together and you can tell he was a huge influence on patrices views on women. check out his show on youtube "5150" patrice was on the show when it was still being aired on sirius.

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