I am the one who knocks

17  2018-07-26 by Suibu


That shirt's jumping to hyperspace.

Nice toothpaste spatter, stupid.

thats dry blood from pricking the vein too hard

Squeezed all of his face pus onto the mirror before he took the photo. Impressive load.

Wipe down your fucking mirror you pathetic fat slob

Grindr has gone downmarket

With his fentanyl laced snot Artie with a head cold could be a weapon of mass destruction

So is that his forever nose now?

Is that jizz?

Jesus, that bulb of a nose, that fat saggy body, the cigarette in his mouth to try to seem cool, the two open water bottles on the sink, the dirty mirror, the worn out clothing, the sunglasses to hide his glazed over eyes... Artie really is like those high school guys who wear their football letter jackets to the bar, despite the fact that they can't zip them up over their fat stomachs, to try to recapture their glory days.

With his nose, apparently.

Why is he doing this.

You guys think this man is wealthy lol