Opie Podcast Episode #25 - Play-By-Play Analysis

83  2018-07-26 by NateJay82

Episode #25 – Live from Nantucket Dreamland Theater! (Sherrod Small, Vic Henley, & Carl Ruiz). July 26 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • The announcer sets the stage by going through Opie & Gang’s backstory for the twentieth time.
  • Opie & Gang are live at the Nantucket Dreamland Theater. They have to share the microphone.
  • A teen boy is called on stage to talk about getting kicked out of Germany for buying beer.
  • They call his 17-year-old sister on stage. She talks about skiing. Carl and Sherrod hit on her.
  • These stories about skiing and drinking remind Carl of his money grubbing whore ex-wife.
  • “My lawyer was so good even though I am getting destroyed in this divorce” – Not Bitter Carl.
  • Opie has edited in his newest sponsor Helix Mattress. He talks more here than he does live.
  • Carl brags about paying the entire bar’s drinks when the bartender implied he was poor.
  • Pete The Architect comes on stage to talk about car shows. He was a big fan of Boston O&A.
  • Opie retells the April Fool’s prank. The audience is shocked and uncomfortably silent.
  • Carl talks about a mobster giving him woman advice. He failed to follow it and regrets it.
  • Pete and Carl discuss money and island culture. Opie interrupts to keep talking about watches.
  • Opie calls out 3 people leaving near the end. He reveals that there are 9 other people present.
  • They have a meet/greet with the middle-aged tourist moms and go for a ride with Pete.
  • Pete tells them about “Island Chads”. Opie pouts because Pete won’t take them on a tour.

Best Moment: Opie bringing awkward silence to the room anytime he opened his mouth.

Worst Moment: Carl, Vic, and Sherrod passively being flirty towards a 17-year-old girl.

Overall: TheVirginNationalRadioHostVsTheChadObscureOnlinePodcast/10


They played to thirteen people if you are counted.

My God... I'm so glad I follow from afar these days.

I nearly got a brain tumor just reading that. You're really taking one for the team by doing this.

wrong, SO WRONG

OpieRadio is one of the best podcasts out there. But only if you're into things like:

1) Saw

2) Hostel

3) The Human Centipede

4) Funkytown

Sounds wonderful

This doesn't sound very good.

When they used to have a packed Hard Rock Cafe I used to thing "ehhhh, it's kind of a small place, but it's still pretty cool and sound fun".

Now Opie gets 12 people to watch a live recording. I have no idea how he hasn't driven a bullet through his forehead yet.

He's a one-hit wonder still doing the tour, basically. I saw Quiet Riot play a bar in Detroit 15 years ago. At the height of their brief success, they played arenas.

This has to be a dream scenario for opie haters, i mean this is literally the worst way his career could have ended. If he got divorced lost all his money and became a bum, that would still be WAY more dignified than this nightmare. We are surpassing spinal tap levels of humiliation.

The only thing i wanna know if the originals like opiesucks are relishing this.

As an OG hater (several accounts ago), I'm not satisfied at all. This is not the kind of gentle denouement I expected after he got fired for gay-filming a shitting retard at work. How subhuman do you have to be to not honor-kill yourself after that?

At the very least, there's not nearly enough public crying/emotional outbursts for me.

Come on if i were on opie position i would pray for the sweet release of death.

Going from thinking that he was the star of a succesful show, making millions of dollars, having a radio channel named after him, finally having a chance to prove that he didnt need anthony. To facing the harshest truth that he is a talentless piece of shit, doing a horrible show that crearly no one likes, and better yet now he HAS to face the numbers its not theoretical like in sirius xm, he can actually see how much of a nobody he is now. And not only that each episode is more humiliating than the last one, with Carl taking shots at him, ending in this golden moment of cringe with his hacksquad in front of 13 mildly bored strangers that have no idea who the fuck he is.

And finally confronting that anthony, jimmy and all the haters were 100% right it has to be a waking nightmare.

Sort of like the end of The Shield where instead of getting jail or killed, Vic gets stuck pushing paper for the rest of his career, his own sentence to a life of misery.

Just thinking about the last season of The Shield gives me goosebumps.

In the history of television, I don't think we've ever had a show like that, where the writers knew exactly where it was going to end and every single chess piece makes sense.

I was a huge fan of "Lost", but the way that they tried to tie up all the loose ends in the last season was so terrible, it basically ruined the entire show.

With "the Shield" you get to see Vic Mackie taken down, brick by brick, for six years.

Plus, the whole Shane thing is about as tragic as any of the stories in "The Wire."


It really was an incredible show. Totally ahead of its time and underrated.

Gottdamn, I got another show I need to watch....

The ending of the shield is the greatest ending to a series, including the wire. And I love sucking the wires dick, so that's saying something.

Anyone who doesn't have the shield in their top 5 just didn't see it or have forgot

A dream scenario would have Opie and Sam already dead by now.

I'm positive your posts summarizing these shitty podcasts get more views than Opie does downloads. Thank you for suffering for our entertainment .

You must hate yourself.

Carl brags about paying the entire bar’s drinks when the bartender implied he was poor.

You think the bartender announced that Carl was buying to the rest of the bar, or did he just take it as a fat tip from a fat head and charge everyone else as normal?

Or Carl made it up and he went and shame-ate two Big Mac meals by himself.

Thank you for your service.

How do you get kicked out of Germany for buying beer?

I look forward to these like a horrendous hangover shit. It's an oddly similar experience.

What kinda man wouldn't hit on 17 year old?


This show is so bad even the dick spray guy wouldn't want to advertise on it.

Thanks pal... but really... are you ok?

thank you for your service

Opie would have had more dignity if he had gone back to just spinning records.

I'm sorry, I gave in and just had to listen to the 9 people part to see if it was an exaggeration...it wasn't. I was starting to feel bad for the guy until I listened to the Darian O'Toole bit on Youtube.


Opie was so condescending to her "How dare you pretended to have talked to me!"...

The audience was shocked by the stupid Menino prank? What a bunch of upper crust fags.

THE Nantucket Dreamland Theater?

Nate is a saint on eart'.

Following on from my last review, that was a little late to the party...

Joey the voice guy starts off, as Tits cannot introduce a show despite being a broadcaster since 1981, taking us through the highlights of the last shitshow and his cringeworthy 'Google me' incident. 'Gonna 'Lectric Chock OJ' is mentioned. Tits finally speaks, drops the 'been in radio since I was eighteen' line right away in front of ten people, as seen in the photographs, before handing off to Carl. The Hick Venley's accent sounds even worse with the microphone reverberation. They do the faggot 'YYYEEEAAAHHH!' when Fat Tongue shows up. Ugh.

They start with sharing a single microphone (mercifully), they make a big deal about a second microphone being found so they can talk over each other. Fawk. They talk about some teen guy who was kicked out of Germany for partying or some shit. They invite this guy on stage because fuck everything. Anything to let Tits hand off the show to someone else. They asked this guy about this story. His mother is in the audience. Lots of unnecessary laughter. They ask the guy's off-mic mother some questions, which sounds as good as you imagine. Carl says a woman stabbed him once outside a strip club. Carl talks about strip clubs in the south. Hick tells a story. Carl talks about treating new chefs like shit despite there being a low success rate from culinary school. Tits (remember him?) makes an awkward reference to swingers, while Carl is saying that bead and breakfast owners are creepy.

They finally get the teen guy off the stage, then Fat Tongue gets the guy's sister on the mic. He fails to grasp that she has two brothers. She wastes more time. Carl says that Tits was the only girl in his family. More crosstalk. More off mic talk with the mother. Fawk. They talk about rich people's names and the Swedish. More pointless laughter. Still with the teen girl. What the fuck is this, crowd work? Get on with the fucking show, faggots. Carl references his divorce and his stolen dog again. Tits asks the teen girl about underage drinking to drag this bullshit audience participation on. Not creepy at all, right? Carl mentions the jew and their devilish characteristics. They mention Carl's divorce again. His ex is friendly, now that she raped him out of everything and his dog. Carl the Cuck wasted $600 on drinks for women.

Another music break. Joey warns that Tits includes yet another civilian. Tits has another sponsor, Helix mattresses. Tits keeps repeating himself and spelling out words. We get it, Tits! Joey cuts in again to mention they are censoring names that Carl is mentioning in the next story. Carl bought off the locals in Napa Valley with drinks so they could drive sportscars around or something. Tits brings up another audience member who knew Tits from before O&A. They briefly talk about the Mayor Menino death hoax. Carl mentions (again) how a man should own a watch that can be cashed in for an apartment deposit, a mattress and a TV for when the woman inevitably fucks you over. He tried on a watch worth $450K in Nantucket. More watches talk. Fat Tongue and Carl are casing Nantucket for expensive merchandise.

People are finally walking out of this shitshow. They ask why they are leaving to no response, then mention how 2/3 of their audience is gone, seeing as there wasn't many there in the first place. Joey cuts past this to the wrap-up to some applause. The last ten minutes of the podcast is after the show. Back to 'podcast sounds' and people unaware that they are being recorded. They talk to the teens' mother again. Carl with more food trivia. Another cut to them in a car, where they are riding with an HVAC guy. Carl is trying to fuck some women later on. They call out to various rich Chads. Carl asks if Tits is still recording this irrelevant shit. They go into their hotel and it trails off to Joey giving an outro.

Tits is back to talk about podcast sounds as they got in the car earlier on. There's an exaggerated fake laugh, then Gloria burns Tits good by saying at least he made someone laugh. Cue 'OOOOOOOH!!!'

Tits has basically become Lazlow in GTA IV/EFLC. I just wish that the little cunt was broke.


People are finally walking out of this shitshow. They ask why they are leaving to no response, then mention how 2/3 of their audience is gone, seeing as there wasn't many there in the first place. Joey cuts past this to the wrap-up to some applause.


This one goes to 11

So, he's getting sponsors? Finally a business model in this mess.