Hannah Gadsby at the Apollo

159  2018-07-26 by duranfarbissina


ME: vurry good

That was worse than I expected.

My favorite boo is the initial rumbling.

I'd end my set and run off stage.

Well done, peckas.

/u/tyrelltucco good job

Thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of something I’ve made. Just waiting for the Gadsby fanbase to get a hold of it. You haven’t made it until there’s a cranky blog written about you.

She fucking stinks

Best part is that you didn’t even have to edit out the original crowd response and it was still uncomfortable as fuck.

Yea those blue jokes were barely getting a giggle from the crowd anyway and I had so many dumb facial expressions to use during the bombing. The video practically edited itself.

Her work has to be entirely manipulated and repurposed to achieve comedic effect.

Kelly Fastuca could finally give her career traction if she did a parody video of herself as Andrew Dice Nanette. Dirty limericks about being a rape survivor.

Ol’ Meats & Cheeses Fastuca.

"“Nanette” is an international sensation, the most-talked-about, written-about, shared-about comedy act in years..." -NYT

Never heard of this broad until this video. Why is it any time women get involved in comedy, it's a sensation that "everyone is talking about", yet they're virtually unheard of, and nobody actually gives a shit? Even more pathetic, she apparently said she was quitting comedy just to come out and say she isn't.

What an asshole.

"Never heard of this broad until this video. Why is it any time women get involved in comedy, it's a sensation that "everyone is talking about", yet they're virtually unheard of, and nobody actually gives a shit?"

Its called Bolshevik Marketing. It is when they dont make a product based on the consumers wants/needs but instead make a product they believe the consumer SHOULD want.

Yes, that's what I was getting at, Sherlock.

Sorry for agreeing

You think the majority here know what Bolshevik marketing is? I fucking didn't

No, it's just called marketing. Bolshevism doesn't really factor into it.

Is there anything more villainous, vile, disgusting, rotten, putrid, obscene, and cancerous than the Bolshevik infestation we have in this fine and noble nation?

Jigs are pretty bad too.

Also, mexicans, yech.

no, those people r fine.

Is that a kind of roach?

( the last jedi )

Absolutely. Plus, when apolitical people say it was terribly written and ruined old character, you can call them nazi incel chauvinist trump lovers.

The fucking Gulag Archipelago is funnier than this chap on stage

They do the same thing with "Afro-centric" movies. Sorry To Bother You is out and the trailer looked decent, but I can't trust any critics reviews because it has black characters and a black director so they have to exalt it like it's Casablanca. They can't wait to prove to everyone how open minded and culturally enlightened they are by praising black cinema, while they're actually doing a disservice by it because they fucking over-hype everything to the point where I don't believe them anymore. I can't tell if it's legitimately any good, because they're too busy virtue signaling instead of doing their fuckin jobs.

I saw it out of curiousity since I was hearing it compared to "They Live". It was definitely overhyped. It's essentially a black remake of "O Lucky Man!", which you're much better off watching .

In the NYT "Nanette" was a sensation, therefore "Nanette" had always been a sensation. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

It's the most talked about piece of shit by good-think blue check marks on twitter. 99 percent of the world will never see or ever want to see that piece of dog shit 'comedy' special.

Wow that was awful... awful.

I wish they dragged her outside and fitted her with a flaming tire.


It's a south African tradition called "necklacing". Bicycle tires would be filled up with gasoline and placed around a bound person, usually kneeling in the execution position, and then lit to produce incredibly uncomfortable visual and audio effects.

That sounds way funnier than anything I just watched

Oof. That "blue" bit is the kinda shit that Gallagher would be too embarrassed to do.

What would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way?

It's not the joke itself but the pretense of how it's performed metaphysically. The real humor comes from the levels of irony that you clearly don't understand. Were you expecting to laugh? To give out a fleeting "ha ha", to rationalize your meager existence? This is beyond funny - even beyond our capacity as an audience to accept it. That's how powerful the blueprint joke was.

It was like a Carlin word play bit but without any wit or comedic timing

She looks like the flower shop cashier from The Room

You're my favorite customer

Ah-haha, whadarstory crookedsmile

Hi doggie!

Oh hi, Johnny, I didn’t know that it was you.

Her act sucks, but she isn't that bad looking.

If you’re in to chicks who’s goal is to look like John Candy in Summer Rental


"least i'm not a fag" lol faggot

Walk away from the mirror if the truth hurts

Whats wrong with you? Srsly

The Steve Harvey appearance has a nigga’s ribs hurtin’

I really wanted to end with some kind of perplexed Steve Harvey “what in the hell was that” type line but they were all from his show and looked out of place.

The facial expressions are better, anything vocal would’ve been overdoing it

I liked that bit better when Gallagher did it.

Haha. You know, at least Gallagher didn't have this smarmy, self-important air to everything he said. It was meant to be nutty, not some political manifesto.

The tricky thing with comedy is that - in a world where "Free Speech" can be perceived as both "weaponized" and/or just as harmful as pancreatic cancer - then comedy can't exist. But that's exactly what these people want. They don't want another Hicks or even another Pryor...they want stories and vignettes that are humorous and similar enough to mimic the most innocuous NPR yarns, but "meaningful" enough to sway hearts into hating one specific targeted group more and more, while handing over applause and acclaim. Nobody truly laughs, but everyone becomes more sanctimonious as they gladly turn Gadsby into a saint. All the while comedy is completely pulverized, sandwiched between people like Gadsby and the showboating Vegas comics that just do corporate-sponosered material for tourists. No more risks, but you either reward me or else your racist/sexist/homophobic/etc.

Anyway: Thank God the internet is still around to give these people a hard time. For now....

Bizarro World Tig Notaro.

Equal amount of titty

Reminder: Tit Nomoro

looks like she blue that.


Because she needed da moneeeey..


That "Yuck" face at 00:56 is great.

Jesus i hate that accent.. Fuck her

Not for nothing, did block buster ever try to pull this (((shit))) on us?

How did this dude even make it up there? He's terrible

White men just get things handed to them.

That piece of fat shit is so fake.

I bet she lied about being raped, I mean even a Cumia won't touch that shit

Not at that age anyway

I think the funniest bit is how she criticised comedy and uses the example of her telling the “lady faggot” story, which is so dumb because it was her fucking choice to tell that story in a “comedic” way. No one is using comedy specials to gain eye opening insight on social issues, so why is that suddenly a problem now?

She criticised comedy in the special?

This looks worse and worse the more I see and read about it. I'm half tempted to watch it, but I don't wanna give her a view.

I wouldn’t waste the time. She’s just an ok comedian looking to get attention of the media she wouldn’t get otherwise.


God I finally watched the video. This was fucking hilarious.

Why's he got a girl's name, the faggot?


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I listen to multiple podcasting comedians a day and I've never heard this broad mentioned.

Legion of Skanks and Cum Town have both had fun with her.

Holy shit she really did that going out of business clearance sale Carlin version of meanings of the word "blue"? That was part of the revolutionary comedy special....its crazy how these lesbians can not be good at anything, theyre approach is just producing crap and then saying you arent tolerant if you like the straight guys comedy show which is way funnier

So this hideous autistic dike attacks men for an hour and is now a comedy genius?

It’s what the people want. Not comedy fans but the kind of people who start sentences with the phrase “I have a great sense of humour but...”

WTF, I love Harlem now.

So, this is the sequel to It's Pat?

Its not fucking hard to figure out.

The media is using this shit to bait out trolls so they can write about how it all connects to trump and how white male audiences in stand-up are problematic. So far they've had no success doing it since the more successful comedians disagree. Amy Schumer became indefensible since she's so unfunny she cant even steal good jokes to make people laugh.

Nobody actually finds her funny. Which is a good thing, because every fucking medium should now be a stage to say "fuck drumpf".