Just Saw Jim Norton in Montreal...

0  2018-07-26 by iSOBigD

His openers were a man then a woman. I didnt recognize either but I liked them, the crowd was on board although the lady mostly had material revolving around penises and vaginas. The guy had a decent mix of bits and improv about random things like types of icecream and being fat.

Jim came on and killed it. I had not seen him do stand-up recently but it was all new material or fairly recent references except some tie-ins to the doctor getting kicked off the plane and some old movie/show references which he acknowledged as being old. His set mixed crowd work and his really quick improv with bits here and there but they were very seamless so people outaide this forum probably couldn't have told the difference. There were a couple of times Uncle Paul could have come out but didn't and Chip was thrown in very quickly so I don't think any non-O&A people were bothered. Overall, really good job! Great energy, funny, fast lines just like in the O&A days and there was never a dull moment. Even the complainers here would have liked it, I'd definitely recommend checking him out.


This did not happen

Uhm, I live there and took pics. 😒

ok faggot

Post pics, include ass

Nice cropped photo, faggot

Thanks. I was the one taking it, not in it.

I told you. Theyll rip you to pieces here. Have you seen "No Escape" with Ray Liotta?

I dont give a flying fuck about his stand up. bring some of that wit and prep to the fucking radio show where most of us can hear it.

sam needs to go

Did you blow him after the show too?

I meant to but forgot.

Don’t play along faggot. We know what you’re trying to do and we don’t like it

Alena must have been in town again.

standup is fake and fucking sucks

What drinks did you have babe?


Hi Jim

Bye Jim

Ok, terrific

Show me how you suck a man's cock.

Never mind. You just did.

photos, baby?