Info Wars used a picture of Nana walking out of jail for a video thumbnail

74  2018-07-26 by RelevantField


He was framed by leftist globalists.

Same thing happened to Kuhn

Speaking of kuhn, when is his sentencing date

Does it really matter? They effectively silenced his work already. They will make sure when he leaves prison, that he only does as a broken man. Sad

Par for the course for the Deep Discount State

One of my favorite moments ever is Alex Jones saying Ant was fried from Sirius for pro police comments. Saying something like, “He said it was wrong to kill cops...and they fired him”.

He's also said that they fired him for being a conservative.


He’s actively and knowingly lying, and creating false narratives to stick it to the “libtards”.

I listened to Alex Jones for like, 2 months one, and he contradicted himself every week.

It bothered me that millions of people are so insane/moronic that their minds can pick up on blatant lies and discrepancies.

In love the pivot alex had to make from anti police, anti government, anti Putin.

He got popular by being so far out of the mainstream that he was very rarely sued for the crazy shit he said. Now he is making serious cash selling snake oil, the president went on his show, and they got a infowars reporter in the Whitehouse press room. He made it to the big time, but now he gets sued every couple months.

What, was he a fawkin’ chicken or sumptin’? ...tss


He looks so uncomfortable in that suit. If Rockstar made dress shirts he would just need a nice plaid blazer to round out the ensemble.

I wonder if he's late on her check if Missy pulls up the Pisswasser video on YouTube to brighten Nana's spirits?

Listen to the first two minutes and and imagine what guys like Colin, Jim, Patrice, Otto would think about the state of the hilarious guy from the radio show... a mixture of disdain and pity.

You'll also get to hear Nana use the word re-twitter.

Imagine what 2007 Ant (or even 2013 Ant) would have thought, the guy who used to relentlessly mock Alex Jones as a delusional kook; a carnival barker pandering to the rubes. Now he works for him.

I think, deep down, he would give almost anything to be able to go back in time to the beginning of July 2014 and stay home that night.

"WHY did I go to Times Square that night?! I could have stayed home quoting Platoon to bored teenagers while getting loaded on Xanax and Bud Light. All to impress my long dead father who had the foresight to know what a pissy-eyed faggot I would become!!!!"

Now he works for him.

Actually he volunteers for Alex. Nana doesn't even get paid for the small InfoWars bits he does. He'll do an appearane literally anywhere now he's banned from Fox and Sirius.

If it wasn't that night in Times Square then it would have been something else. Anthony was becoming increasingly unhinged and it was only a matter of time before he blew up the show.

You're probably right.

A month or two before he got fired, I remember him going off on one about how love wasn't real. It was the kind of self-pitying shit you come out with as a teenager when your girlfriend breaks your heart (ironic, as it was just after Anthony got dumped by the teenager with the question mark posture - the daughter of that Clinton staffer cuckold guy.)

I remember thinking at the time that he sounded like he'd probably kill himself soon. Instead he just killed his career and reputation.

He's fucking awful

Anthony is completely devoid of humor at this point. Even Ronnie B finally faced facts and gave up on him.

Really? Wasn't Rin just sucking Ant's dick at "Skankfest" 6 days ago?

Everytime he's on InfoWars he talks like his heart is about to fail

Oh, Ant. Be more funny. Politics - as batshit as it is - ruined a funny guy.

what about the tranny fucking, wetbrain alcoholism, reddit bounty, woman biting/rib breaking, unfunny podcasting, outdated references, latent homosexuality, employing a washed up/talentless ex cop, molesting underage girls, maintaining his leech shit bag of a brother, not visiting his dying mother, oh, and enabling a fat heroin addict.

plus his face has the same texture as a golf ball

True. That was after his Obama meltdown though.

haha i think youve pinpointed the exact time he lost his mind. obama really did a number on him.

Indeed. Sadly, the left are so batshit about The Donald, it's kept Ant locked in political mode in order to 'make up' for the eight years that he was terrified and built an arsenal.

If politics stays this polarized and radical, he will never be free of it. I don't think funny Ant is ever coming back.


“Twitter, another says pool like the rest of social media and mainstream media.”

Yet he just can’t seem to stay away. Jesus Christ, Anthony, just stop it.

POTUS gave thumbs up.

Alex Jones is unlistenable.

It was a false fag operation.

You're probably right.

A month or two before he got fired, I remember him going off on one about how love wasn't real. It was the kind of self-pitying shit you come out with as a teenager when your girlfriend breaks your heart (ironic, as it was just after Anthony got dumped by the teenager with the question mark posture - the daughter of that Clinton staffer cuckold guy.)

I remember thinking at the time that he sounded like he'd probably kill himself soon. Instead he just killed his career and reputation.