Alpha male

43  2018-07-25 by TonyFromLongIsland


It's important to keep in mind that this is a man who says he won't date fat women or women his own age.

Remember when he almost started crying when that girl intern on Ron and Fez called him a creepy old queer? That was funny.

She basically didn't even say anything that bad. He was super nasty and it was 100% because he felt rejected and insecure.

She said he was old and that he creeped her out, and then insinuated he would be better off with some other guy (Anthony maybe? I can't remember.) But you're right, his reaction was very bitchy and indignant - a real reality check for the worm in that no amount of money or fame is ever going to make him attractive to young women. His voice shaking with emotion was the highlight.

I believe she was asked who creeped her out, and she named Jim. It wasn't even a major thing, but Jimmy went on for days attacking her.

no amount of money or fame is ever going to make him attractive

He barely has any fame or money though in comparison to real celebrities.

What made that so great is that bitch was a 5/10 or maybe a 6/10 if you are being particularly generous.

Fucking Dana rules. He was so butthurt about it and kept trying to act like he didn’t care when he sounded on the verge of tears.

I was listening to an old show on that Teftpattern 24/7 stream and he said something to the effect of “when I’m done with her I’d kick her out of my car” talking about a fat lady. Knowing what we know now it’s hard not to shake your head at some of the things you might’ve laughed at one point in time.

Or women at all

You spelt "giant faggot" wrong.

Go put on makeup with Kelsey Cook and talk about boys, you fucking faggot. Your tough guy stance fools no one.

God I hate him.

You’re not scared of a guy who wears a jacket over a hooded sweatshirt?

No, Sam. No I'm not.

dolphin cackle

"Dude, I wasn't trying to look tough, I'd absolutely tell you if I was! ...You're panicking!!"

ughhh the "you're panicking" is awful. Just take the beating faggot worm

-50 years old never had a relationship more than 1 hand a half years

-lived with his parents into his 30s

-dropped out of community college he didn't even drive a crumbly hand-me-down car to, he took public transportation

-cries himself to sleep alone at night after being rejected from the 20-30 year old women who string him along for months and years rebuff him

He's 5'5".

you trying to sneak a couple of inches in there?

Ah yes Jim in his "I live in NYC which automatically makes me tough for reasons even though I've actually lived in the suburbs my entire life" phase.

Polish dyke bar doorman

Actual garbage in a garbage bag.


Well he was, compared to the skinny faggot he is now. Turns out that Jim was a phony all along.

Alpha Snail

No, Sam. No I'm not.