Opie was always funnier than Anthony and Jimmy

0  2018-07-25 by kaseius1



Yeah, just not "ha-ha" funny.

I was waiting for the Vos roll on this one.

Opie is funnier than Vos, too.

Is he funnier than Mia? Burr Says she’s one of the funniest people he’s ever known

Sir I respectfully disagree.

Even those of us who think AntH and The Worm are the two worst humans on earth cannot support this one sir. I am loathe to put any support behind those two, but this is not an accurate assessment

'I get my laughs. Period.' sniff

You’re so right. He was funnier than Ant, Jimmy, Vos, Colin, Patrice, Louis, Burr, and EVERYONE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE. Fact.

Except Joe Matarese