Does Norton think becoming even more politically correct will help his career?

29  2018-07-25 by Cotto01

Extremely short (pub intended) sighted as his entire career was built on no restraints to his comedy. He is not fooling us former fans with his self righteous act but cannot see him ever being on same path to huge stardom while he seems scared shitless of offending anyone. He has become a total bore. Good riddance coward.


He’s a pathetic, gutless, backstabbing, fake cunt and I would love it if some fat SJW dyke monster decided he was worth their time.

And he stole chip from the jerky boys.

and he never once paid for drugs

You sure? He would tell us if he did!


That's right, he is a coward. He's a tremendous disappointment in that he finally stood up to Tits and was given the morning show, only to squander it with this bullshit trannies and wrestlers show with zero preparation. He couldn't even keep Ant coming in, whether that former employees ban is bullshit or not, given that Artie isn't banned.

The star-fucking Worm wants to keep that Sirius paycheck so bad, he never thought of joining Ant to make a better show than either of them could do alone (trannies and politics), even when Ant finally was able to get podcasting equipment into the city. All the while, he says how he loves working with Ant, they're like brothers, etc.

The TACS bookers also seem to be trolling in that they never get Worm on the show by himself, so Worm can play with his phone and give 'a whatever effort'. The main interaction they have is Worm using Ant on that Chip shitshow. Morton needs to come out already and go live with Fez if he's not going to do a show with Ant ever again. It's a tough one, man.

Ship has long sailed on Norton and Ant being able to revive something. Neither of them care enough to be entertaining anymore.

Sad, but true.

Norton was hilarious when he was fat and angry... now he acts all cutesy and pc and it drives me bananannanana

He was always really hacky. His whole act was fake tough guy, AIDS, and telling people to kill themselves, and a ripped-off Jerky Boys bit. Other than that, he was fucking amazing. A Carlin-Pryor hybrid, with young Jim Carrey's charisma.

I think you're forgetting they are actors. You aren't wrong though.

There's a broad out here (Norton's ex, or at least former fuck buddy, ironically) who has pretended to be a comedian for like the 10yrs Ive known her. She does maybe 3 spots/shows in a year, and is so abysmally unfunny it's indescribable. But now she's jumped on the "culturally enlightened" bandwagon and it's her whole schtick, she knows she isn't funny worth a fuck so she's going for this whole "clapter" angle instead, because it's her only chance at anyone thinking she's any sort of "artist." It's so fucking gross.'re saying she'll have a critically acclaimed Netflix special by the end of the year?


Ummm he's the last one standing. So clearly his PC schtick is working.

Barely standing you fucking lowlife turd

Jim is getting paid good money to do horseshit radio. Why would you expect him to quit?

But he has ruined his credibility and will affect future as stand up when his shitty show ends.

If you do milquetoast safe radio, you can stay on the air a looooong time. Mark and Brian lasted 30 years. Mark killed the show because the two hosts couldn't stand each other.

Now you hear him once a week on a smaller station, and you can tell he regrets blowing his gig up three years ago.

Radio gigs are REALLY difficult to come by.

Valid point.

He alienated all of his old fans so he needs a new audience. He has, in a literal sense, nothing to lose. His career is barely beating. Those three idiots, or at least Anthony and Jimmy, should have had a little faith in themselves that they could replace their income if their podcast was popular enough. It’s really not that hard to do. They would have kept the goodwill of a fan base that was considerably larger - at one point, anyway - than most people here even realize. You don’t need a huge audience to do well with the podcast, and he still had stand up, he could still get writing gigs, and he would’ve kept some of his dignity by leaving after Anthony’s firing. But no. Now he’s done for. Good. They all should’ve left and sucked it up and worked together and they didn’t and now they’re all paying for it.

Perfectly said

Comedians being "no restraint" is just an image they try to project. In reality, they have plenty of areas they won't go, stances they won't take and practice plenty of self-censorship so they don't upset the showbiz noses and get blacklisted from reprising their bit part in Furry Vengeance 3.

They are spineless worms that depend on comedy for a paycheck, which is why the anonymous assholes on here are a million times funnier.

It worked for Jim Jefferies.