Iliza Shlesingers new special is pretty good

0  2018-07-25 by HandsomeJimmyD

I think this is the anti womens comedy special. As opposed to the usual "WERE SO STRONG, FUCK MEN!" of female comedy, the over arching theme is how insecure and dumb women are. It realoy presents the female perspective without any of the sanctimonious "hole" bullshit typically associated with womens comedy.

Its on Netflix. Im really curious what you animals think of it as opposed to the normal Nanette fare.


I haven't seen much of her, I'll check it out. Only because I saw a Pete Holmes (faggot) interview with her and she looks like the hottest piece of ass on the planet

Last female special I watched in its entirety was Christina P’s. She’s the only gal I find particularly cool nowadays. Something tells me if I start the new Eliza I’ll bail out quick. If she did the entire set in her underwear I could probably jack to it, though.

I notice you didn't mention that you found it funny or had any particular jokes you'd want to share. Perhaps that's because the entire thing is her doing exaggerated voices and sound effects. Gash trash.

don't you ever call a woman funny again, you piece of shit.

What kind of a faggot are you? We get it. She poses nude on Instagram twice a day, makes WWII jokes and tries really hard to be Dane Cook. There’s absolutely nothing naturally funny about her. In the podcasts you’ve heard her on, has she ever said anything casually funny in conversation? Or does she always sound like a dummy trying really hard to do a math equation, as if she figures out the formula of comedy, she too will be hilarious. So then she wants credit for turning comedy into calculus. You see what I did there? WWII, baby. As if she’s not going for laughs, but speaking to the back of the room. But the back of the room doesn’t see artistry. Nope. They just see titty shots and selfies for days on Instagram. And in the end, no one’s laughing. Every damn joke she tells was not only not funny, but so predictable that it could’ve been written by any dude.

Its better than her last one which was pure feminism the diatribe...or her talk show which again, was just a knock of chelsea handlers confusing feminist sass with humor.

But it still kind of reeks with feminism in that she still doesn't understand gender dynamics. For instance, when she's talking about men not wanting strong women, its for a simple reason, if she doesn't need you, she's going to leave...because she doesn't need you, its really that simple. Ali Wong's specials have been better.