Patton at comet ping pong. Nothing odd about this.

71  2018-07-25 by RahShieWoo



Did he kill his wife because she found out?

is this real? is that place affiliated with comet pizza?

He's even playing ping pong with his wife's skull.

That's where his daughter practiced murdering mommy on stolen minority children by CPS Clinton sponsored agents

That little girl is scared. Someone help her.

What a disgusting family.

its funny that all the evidence of the globalist jew child raping syndicate comes from washed up 90s alt comics

Who else would have loose lips enough to let it slip? Dumb comics.

It makes me sick that this little murderous goblin roams free while Chris Kuhn(who clearly acted in self defense) sits in prison with no OnA sub connection. Smdh

He launched his two-year-old son through the windshield in self-defense, Your Honor.

To be fair, I'm part black.

Some times you need some impromptu artillery.

I've called Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones ceaselessly to no avail.

Try Reverend Al Sharpton. We can not stand idly by while our melanin-rich brother has been unjustly put behind bars by the white man.

in before the tool man lockdown

The wife's got some beefers on her. Shame they'll be maggot food soon enough.

Mark Aggot, how do you do?

Fatso is wearing fucking Jeffrey Dahmer glasses.

"Are you ready for the sex girls" playing in his head...

Anyone who refers to his own daughter as a "tasty morsel" should be shot on sight.

Imagine how much of a lefty you have to be to go to Comet even after the disgusting allegations. Like, just leave well enough alone. Why the fuck would you go there? It's such an obvious statement.

I wouldn't put one past a wife-murderer who neglected her gasps for air in the other room while he was tweeting about Drmupghf.


please let us know if you have anymore recycled MDE hack bullshit for us

Making fun of Patton Oswalt isn't MDE shit you fucking gay lord. It's O&A sub at its purest.

Imagine how dumb you have to be to fall for this photoshop, or pizzagate.

Imagine how dumb you have to be to sound like Bryan Callen or any other faggot on CNN who has a vested interest in trying to debunk something that factually exists. Imagine how much of a lispy faggot you sound like.

Nice internet sleuthing, stupid

I'm talking about child rapists organizing with one another, which you know exists because you've posted about pedophilic activity before.

Two instances now where you were either trolled or don’t understand what you’re reading. Maybe you’re not smart enough to interpret the evidence you’re jerking off over. I know you want to imagine that everyone you hate is an evil Satan worshipping pedophile, but the fact is the only pedophile you’ve uncovered is Anthony. Btw, you’re a fag for looking at my old posts. Only people with hurt feelings do that.

I’ll take 65,000 dollars in pizza and hot dogs, is the pool open? Who are we being entertained by m’lefty? Do you need a bandaid for your left ring finger??

How fuckin naive do you have to be to not read the leaked emails but complain the whole thing is bullshit because the main stream media says so.

El oh el

Epic trollolol when people reply to your comment making fools of themselves. You're a fantastic score keeper and not at all a simpleton who sucks dick.


You really must be fucking retarded.

You really must be a fucking faggot who talks like a total queer and denies the obvious.

I'm gonna put a map in your handkerchief 'til you love me, faggot

Pizzagate is unironically real.

Allegations? Lol.

imagine being a right wing dumb fuck freudian nightmare getting outraged over another pedophilia satanic panic hoax

You're a naive annoying faggot.

So he admits he’s a proud pedophile and then it comes out that he partied at comet ping pong of all fucking places. Jesus Christ

I hope this camera lies

“Jesus Christ, dad, put your camera away. We don’t need to tweet everything you fat asshole. Go ruin the new MST3K some more.”

Those glasses make me want to bury him up to his neck, and then swing a 9 iron at his face.

Imagine how dumb you have to be to fall for this photoshop, or pizzagate.

Allegations? Lol.

imagine being a right wing dumb fuck freudian nightmare getting outraged over another pedophilia satanic panic hoax