"Racist dog! Racist dog! Racist dog!"

7  2018-07-24 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


"im a refugee" said in the most born and raised european accent

posh british accent.

Her parents are "refugees" who fled to the UK after the religious zealots who they, as being upper class iranians put into power so they wouldn't have to pay as much taxes but that backfired horribly. So now she's in America causing all sorts of trouble for no other reason that it makes her girl penis hard.

If you subscribe to Compound Media, you are mentally ill.


Liberals are perpetual teenagers

Can't wait til they're raped by a pack of niggers.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

MLK said problematic shit like, "content of their charactrr, not the color of their skin"

Only RACISTS pretend to not see color

MLK a huge racist nigger confirmed.


Those faggots should be mowed down like wheat.

Who are any of these people and where can I find this racist dog?

I heard Larry David had one

Southern, a good egg but I feel like she's be dire in the sack

She's a coalburner bro, sorry to break it to you.

Lauren Southern is a mudshark.

burn the coal, pay the toll.

How many days until tyrone leaves her to raise his half black mulato mongrel breed?

More jewish shit