When you steal a couple thousand from old o and a fan to fund your globetrotting adventures

19  2018-07-24 by acountnumer666


What wealthy Euro fag is paying to stick his dog dick in that?

I'm beginning to wonder if it's Anthony.

You're not going to mention her brother in the background?

I'm in love with her tiny tits. I'd love nothing more than to just suck them.

I was surprised how small they were considering her mom has a big rack.

Really going out on limb there, sir

She is getting dangerously close to Flatso territory

Id like to pinch them with needle nose pliers

Who's this?

Bobo's little sister.

Bitch look like a motherfucking beaver

Have you seen Bobo lately?

Going to the pride parade seems like a fun idea until lesbimen start smacking you on the ass and you can't do anything about it

I wish I was bi. Those pride parades seem like a free-for-all grope fest. I could probably have some scruffy faced dude sucking my dick in front of the NYPD and everyone would just call me brave.

Faggots really love throwing it in everyone's face that they have sexual harassment immunity.

Exactly. I don’t mind it once in awhile, if they keep themselves to themselves. But when it’s thrust in you face over and over, it gets a little hard to swallow.

Bing bong.


Shucky ducky quack quack




It it wa w was foh da show

Live. Laugh. Kurt Love.

I wouldn't normally sympathize with a pedophile but maybe some people deserve to get raped as children

Can we stop with the idea that she doesn't deserve the money. Anyone who donated to her and subs to cp media doesn't have a leg to stand on

Both parties are hilariously pathetic

I take it back. That's a hard no.

Looks like she's buying her retardation on layaway.

Looks like she’s a few years away from having an Artie nose.

Caked on makeup whore.

Stupid ugly face-painted, hoop-earring wearing, belly hanging out, A-cup tits kept in check, Austin Powers smile, negro caribbean hair style fucking cunt.

Pride is a sin. Being molested by a black italian is no excuse for this erratic behavior.