Literally just a picture of Mike Pence

0  2018-07-24 by unclepaul84



Watch your language, sir.


I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that so many people actually think he supports electro-shock therapy for gays, or the fact that it isn’t true.

Well, he certainly thinks gays are sinners and wants to save them. I'd call someone like that, a lunatic.

Great humanist actually

I’d call someone like that “in the closet”.

Look, I’m not saying he isn’t a good boy, just that he could be better.

To keep this thread on topic: Mike Pence calls his wife “mother”. Anthony has neither a wife or mother.

All that time traveling has taken it's toll

Mike "Colonel Volgin" Pence

MGS yumor.

If you put the words traitor or bigot on it you could get front page with 45k upvotes.