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42  2018-07-24 by Dennyislife


How the fuck is this cunt still traveling?

She looks like a pig in heat, and if she gets raped by a pack of niggers, it'll be her fault!

how? you guys subsidize her permanent vacations.

I like the way this guy thinks

Oh I'm sure she has been saving from all the part-time jobs she has had through high school...

Or she got fingered by a self-proclaimed millionaire when she was 14 years-old and has convinced the aforementioned Monopoly-man financing her trip around the world would be in his best interest

Finally someone else noticed.

Sounds like a win-win.

Dishonest bitch.

I hope the engines on that plane have an “unfortunate mishap”...

Anyone that has even the tiniest connection to o and a is either a mentally ill homosexual or a parasite

And in Bro Joe's case both

Please share sexually suggestive pics from her Instagram

Or at least have that guy sketch her butthole

She's mediocre as they come.

I have other plans for the pics.

What does she do for a living? must have a well paying job AND free time.

She gets fingered in the swimming pools of old ghouls for money.

Nice, honest work if you can get it.

Her brother should hate her. Every time she does this bullshit he takes a bunch of crap on social media. Instead of getting mad at the people who doubt his “unfortunate mishap” story, he should get mad at his bitch cunt sister who doesn’t seem to understand how this looks. Or understands and doesn’t care. Go ahead and keep traveling, you whore, but how about you keep it lowkey?

she dosn't give a fuck. she is trying to impress the other idiots she knows in real life. all the other dumb cunts and fake meat heads she prob appeases to.

she is your typical stupid cunt from the lower middle class who is trying to be a karadshian.

Well keep in mind that her brother has autism

Bobo digs his own grave. It’s not like he’s laying low either. Fuckface posts pictures of himself at Major League Baseball games at least once a week.

I amuse myself by imagining the following series of events: Scam is going great; they’ve made thousands. But then Stupid starts going to Mets games and taking selfies because he’s an asshole. Cunt Shannon slaps the back of his head, causing his awful thick rim glasses to fly off, and she says “good going idiot, now everyone will start asking question and stop donating.” And then she figures the gig is up so she might as well start traveling the world and taking selfies, because like her dumbfuck brother, she’s an attention whore too.

Is she jew like bobo

they are parasites. what do u think?

could just be a non jew gypsie

Bobo's fucking thief cunt mother got called out on twitter by one of ants taint kissers. the whole thing is fucking scam. Parasetic women using bobo as a pawn. but who the fuck am I kidding? Bobo's loyalty goes with who ever can get him met tickets, the small cocked bumbling fool.

this cum dumpster of a mother spit two duds out that contribute nothing to society and just feed off our teets. her grown up cum loads, one is flying around the world like she's in led Zeppelin, the other is drooling on himself while watching televised sports.

I hate that whole fawkin family.

I’m out of the loop on this one. It’s Bobo’s sister? And she hangs out at the compound?

tl;dr she posts pictures of herself with a sad face next to her mom on the bobo gofundme page begging for donations for his mom's physical rehab, and within the same month she posts pics of herself on instagram in exotic (expensive plane fare) foreign countries partying with other young people. A while back when we pointed this out she set the instagram to private

Even if she's not using retard funds, how is she paying for this shit?

with suck

Sheeeit, I have a few bucks

Jesus state of these replies. I am paying her to visit. No strings. But if anything happens it happens.

A fun time touring my country with fresh eyes.

If that were true, you’re paying a premium for half rate pussy.

Yeah she's not worth a flight.

But I have really bad level of sex workers to pick from here in the countryside so I'd probably pay for worse.

Has anyone ever mentioned that Ant might be paying for all these trips, like hush money?

Stupid fucking cunt needs to show everyone she's visiting countries that take a lot of money to visit. Congrats on hitting up all these European spots 15 years after anybody wants to go because they're all shit holes now.

Hey now, think of the wide variety of European men she can meet named Mohammed, Muhammed, Mohamed and Muhamed.

u/BeigeFrequency please please please do a docu on this. if there's any way I or other users can help with research ask or make a thread about it. I want justice on this cunt so bad I can taste it.

I want to do a few more O&A related docs because there is so much concentrated weirdness. I need to take a break from O&A after the Anthony video though. So I think I'm going to cover Baked Alaska or Chris Cantwell.

I definitely want to do a doc about Bobo and one about Jim at some point.

Is that a dual camera iPhone x


Hey now, think of the wide variety of European men she can meet named Mohammed, Muhammed, Mohamed and Muhamed.