I listened to YKWD with Bonnie & List. Bobby talked about how he fought with his wife because she puts his shirts in the dryer

9  2018-07-24 by OochyWally

Bob, as a former fat man, it ain’t the dryer shrinking the clothes. It’s your fat fucking gut that won’t stop expanding. I used to blame the dryer too. Step away from the fridge and put your clothes in the dryer. Don’t yell at your wife about it. Don’t threaten your poor wife with wasting money by pointlessly hiring a launderer because she dries your shirts. Stop shoving food down your widowmaker. Work out. Stop blaming the dryer for your clothes shrinking.


It should only shrink the clothes on the first dry, everything after is fine.

That was the whole bit, Dawn then said, “what did I shrink the bed and the car too, fatso?!”

After 25 minutes of that story,he had a punchline? Must’have missed it because I was getting so aggravated with him.

Ya got ya shirts dude then ya got ya dryer then ya got shirts that don’t even fit anymore duuude.

I had such high hopes for this episode, Joe list and bonnie are two of my favourites but it felt like they needed one more person to carry it a bit. They both like to jump in with short quips but you can only call bob fat so many times, could've done with Luis to call dumb sometimes n break it up a bit