Opie Podcast Episode #24 - Play-By-Play Analysis

72  2018-07-23 by NateJay82

Episode #24 – The Wheels are Off in Nantucket (Sherrod Small, Vic Henley, & Carl Ruiz). July 23 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Opie, Sherrod, and Vic land in Nantucket. They ramble as acoustic plays in the background.
  • They run into Ron White while looking for Carl. A ship horn ruins Vic’s hilarious punchline.
  • Sherrod complains about how white Nantucket is. Gloria tells them fun facts about the island.
  • Carl appears and leads them to a bar. Everybody shouts over each other. More acoustic guitar.
  • Everyone laughs and tells bar stories. Opie interrupts to ask Carl about whaling trivia.
  • They exchange Nantucket stories. The line between bullshit and truth is blurred as always.
  • Carl and Sherrod complain about white people in a veiled attempt to attack Opie’s existence.
  • Opie reads the sole sponsor. Talkspace.com. Presumably not Opie’s heroin shaman therapist.
  • They tell sex and drug jokes. Everybody in the bar is uncomfortable but “they’re loving it bro”.
  • “Anybody who eats food they don’t like to prevent waste is a fucking peasant” – Prince Carl.
  • Opie makes up a story about Sherrod “killing it” with his fresh hilarious anti-Drumpf comedy.
  • They pressure the manager into doing shots. Opie complains about having to pay for drinks.
  • Finance Expert Carl complains about “faux rich” people in the bar not appreciating their antics.
  • Sherrod almost picks a fight, shouts epithets, and tries to pick up white women. Shocking stuff.
  • The guys drunkenly wander around. Autistic Opie shouts at everyone in a tourist clothes shop.

Best Moment: Drunk Carl becoming increasingly hostile and open in his hatred of Opie.

Worst Moment: Sherrod and Carl’s venomous envy of white people enjoying a night out with their families in their (formerly) safe and white island community.

Overall: ThereWasWereSomeHacksInNantucketWhoRuinedEverybodysNightBecauseTheyreHighFunctioningSociopaths/10


A ship horn ruins Vic’s hilarious punchline.

Too bad we never got to hear it. I bet it was a real zinger.

Ron is a great comedian. Did they bullshit? Wasn't Vic on the original blue comedy tour? Sorry, I just don't want to listen.

They chatted for a few minutes at best. Vic left the bar quickly too when he realized what a shitshow Sherrod and Carl were going to cause.

I think Vic opened for Ron a few times.

That's ok. He repeats everything twice 👍

So how long until Carl blows up at Opie? You're the only one who can make a fair guess.

a while or until he gets a better gig somewhere else.This sounded like the worst episode yet.

It is definitely down there with Episodes 4 and 10.

It's almost like middle-aged men sitting around drunkenly rambling for two hours at a bar doesn't make for quality listening.

He has already blown up at him for his behavior but Opie is too autistic to see his genuine hatred.

Carl was only using Opie for his platform. Once he realizes his podcast has none he will gradually phase him out.

My questions are: Doesn't Carl already know that Opie doesn't have a real platform? You think theres something bigger coming down the pike that they know about (ie: Breastwood One building them a studio), which could be contributing to his decision to stay?

Also, what were the instances where Carl blew up at Opie, that made you really think that Carl's expressing some real hatred (or trying to)? I know Carl was peeved at not getting paid to do the podcast when Sherrod and Vic were, but that all I know.

What are Carl's other options?

Nana heavily praises Carl, that seems a transparent attempt to lure him away...

Nana also immediately booked the podcast hosts that tore apart Opie's shitcast. Nana is very pathetic in her old age.

There hasn't been any instances ...as usual it's over exaggerated nonsense. ..

is the acoustic music playing in the bar or does opie's producer add that in?

On the way to the bar. He dubs in this weird guitar music at random points.

The bar was just filled with the sound of nice respectable families trying to enjoy their meals in spite of Opie & The Gang.

The crew is back baby! DIIIIIIIIIIIIIP!!!

Just think, if Opie didn't film Roland on the toilet, this garbage would be on Sirius every day.

Nah, Sirius would have given the show the boot once his contract was up.

Poor Carl & Sherrod. Typical middle aged unmarried, unsuccessful losers. They blame skin color and lash out at unhappily married whiteys creating “ remember those awesome summers in Nantucket” moments that will be forever romanticized to cover up for infidelity and shitty parenting the rest of the year. In the short term, it creates photos that will make all your Facebook friends envious, kind of like the photo taken of the Simpsons, Kardashians and Jenners chilling at the beach 6 weeks before Nicole was slaughtered, thereby allowing everyone else in the infamous photo to become a million times more famous. But Carl and Sherrod can’t see past their less than desirable skin tone. They fail to see that they sound no different than all the frustrated honkey incels blaming everyone but themselves for their shit lives. Rich Vos Roast. Best $10 you’ll ever spend.

Thank you for your service.

Things soured at the bar a little bit because The Destroyer was bummed no one recognized him, even after his name was mentioned. He defeatedly muttered something about how the bartender would figure it out later and say "Damn, that guy was in my bar."

Wait is Sherrod black?

I am sensing a hint of frustration and desperation in this recap. I will give you a handful more episodes until you off yourself.

Carl is black?

Are you digging the music beds they randomly add to this shit?

Didn't Carl say he was broke from his wife leaving him for someone who presumably does not wear novelty cat t shirts at the age of 49?

“Anybody who eats food they dislike to prevent waste is a fucking peasant” – Prince Carl.

I kind of like this.


Wait a minute....where are all the passive agressive shots at Anthony?

Tranpa is obsessed with the Opester. I'd assume Opie is constantly dropping references to his former partner who happens to be a racist, woman beating, tranny fucking, kid diddling, statutory rapist monster.

Spaniards are white Europeans. Carl is descended from those vicious Spaniards who raped South America hundreds of years ago. I'm sick of white Latinos acting like they're indigenous south Americans. If Penelope Cruz was born in Mexico and not Spain would she be non white? Unless you look like George Lopez, shut the fuck up, you have a fucking tan.

Can’t wait for the day.....Might be a month or a year.

But Carl gonna be on Cumia and airing out Opie.


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How long before this show ends after an epic Carl vs Opie on air fight?

There once was a hack in Nantucket,

He and his friends caused a ruckus

He said with a grin

As his show sucked again,

If cocks were corn I'd shuck it!

Sherrod almost picks a fight, shouts epithets, and tries to pick up white women.

N-person. Also that kike outted himself since he's not Black or Metizo. Cubans see themselves as White,they have about 70% european ancestry as a wholehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubans#White_or_European,_Criollo and their culture is dominated and founded onClassical Western values.

I bet you're grinding your teeth while finger-punching your keyboard doing this thing.
You're a brave man.


My favorite part about all of this is that Opie waited for years hoping for the opportunity to cut ties with Ant and ultimately Jimmy, because he thought he was the big dick in the room. If he could just prove his comedic genius to the world on his own, he would show everybody. And this is where he ended up.
