Norm about to get #MeToo’d?

13  2018-07-23 by BoboOrbani55


Attell? CQ?

I don't know. But if sex allegations are going to come with a teaser now, I think a sponsor is going to be the next step in this movement.

I bet my first born son that it's not Norm. He's a gambler, not a sex guy.

I'll take that bet.

Fucking Joe Devito is at it again.

Colin forced females to watch VHS tapes of Crocodile Dundee 2

Sounds like all he’s guilty of is showing the ladies a good time.

He gives a care

Would have been better if it was Crocodile Dundee 1 but hey, they're all good.

That looks like a post on Blogger.

It is. This is the page that started the “Robert Downey Jr is the source of gossip on Hollywood’s secret starlet prostitution ring” rumour. It’s written by a guy who says he’s a Hollywood entertainment lawyer, but is actually a mediocre land and titles lawyer in Arizona, or something.

female attorney who specializes in the types of cases

Oh cases where women engage in consenting acts but run low on cash later in life? Really worth that law degree.

Kevin Nealon was always up to no good.

He certainly sucked a fat one when he did weekend update

Yeah, put Louis and Norm on tour together. We’ll see how over their careers are.

This is what will happen: Their tour will sell out so fucking fast, that SJW's will have to protest the clubs; first by writing to owners, then by picketing outside. Because they thought they killed their careers to the point where no one would care about seeing them again, only to have both men sell out the Garden and every theatre across the country. The media will try to blast it, but ticket sales will win out in the end, as far as what people want to see and don't want to see. And cunts like Tits Nomoro will have to sit still and take it...It's among the consumers; real merit-ball shit.

Why would he pay them? They should be paying him to see him fling his comedic genius cum in hopes of catching a little funny from him.

Leave Goat Boy alone!!!

CQ or attel. But probably CQ, which is why he had a heart attack when he learned about the lawyer.

What long running show that launched so many successful careers was Attell on? Not being a dick at all but I can't think of one. Honestly Norm makes a lot more sense unless Dave was on I Love the 80's or some shit.

Attell was on a little thing called Saturday Night Live.

Oh wow, no shit. I only know him from stand up, Insomiac, and Outlaw Golf 2. I'm a pretty uncultured fool.

Yeah. That's when he and Sarah Silverman were dating. They were both featured players and Dave served mainly as a writer than a performer. But that's where he got his start. He was actually there the same time as Norm.

So it’s supposed to be worse that he paid the girls after he got consent and did nothing to them physically? Get real.

I think its Jersey joe piscopo.

oh "force" as in "they could have chosen to walk away but didn't"?

this again?

"Forcing" and them staying and getting paid doesn't mix. Case closed move on. Cunts.

Blind Items are Wikipedia with fewer steps and less oversight.

If they try to take down Col this is my jihad.

Peace be upon you.

Norm fits the clues and he’s working on a new talk show. The lawyer - probably Gloria Allred or her daughter Lisa Bloom - will never have a better time to leverage Norm’s fame to their advantage.

Accepting payment to watch him pull his pud then deciding years later you were "violated" and consulting a lawyer should sound like stupid parody but it's depressingly believable these days.

I'll take that bet.