Under the right circumstances, I might again let Louis pay me to overact

59  2018-07-23 by BenedictJimmy


I hope Jim realizes he’s absolutely the worst actor out of all of his friends despite having more generous opportunities handed to him without earning any of them.

Louie had multiple emmy nominations for best actor, Bill Burr did well on Breaking Bad and has had some leading roles since, Ant has been acting like he's not a total faggot for years, and even Sandy Kane had a recognizable performance in a well received movie.

Artie Lange and Bob Kelly, also successful roles on HBO and FX. Of course Amy Schumer and the movies. Only Jim is the consistent failure in acting.

I don't know man, his portrayal as that shivering priest was pretty convincing.

I don't want aaannnyyyy part of that

Tobias Fünke had better acting chops and was less obviously homosexual than Jimmy.

I named 4 comedians who acted on TV. Jim isn't one of them. Therefore, worst actor ever ever ever!! And that makes me MAAAD!!

Of the O and A comedians, who was worse? Vos?

Of the O&A comedians, which was a worse actor? I don't know, which NBA player is the best chef? They're two totally separate things.

The fact Jim has acted in anything just shows the level of nepotism in this industry, & since weirdo pervs can relate to each other it becomes a breeding ground of deviant behaviour.

To bad that wasn't a stroke.


Jim’s best acting, actually.

He doesn't get what he deserves, the industry motherfucked him and hot young girls don't want him.

That’s a tough one man....sniff...

was that seriously not supposed to be a "try to look as retarded as you can" reaction?

this part of the episode they are inside Louis's dream and everything is weird and abstract. probably why Louis let him cameo here, cause his bad acting can be excused for "randomness".

It's sad that he jokes about being a bad actor thinking it's tongue in cheek

The fact Jim has acted in anything just shows the level of nepotism in this industry, & since weirdo pervs can relate to each other it becomes a breeding ground of deviant behaviour.

It's so typical for civilians to not appreciate his craft..

Louie had multiple emmy nominations for best actor, Bill Burr did well on Breaking Bad and has had some leading roles since, Ant has been acting like he's not a total faggot for years, and even Sandy Kane had a recognizable performance in a well received movie.

Artie Lange and Bob Kelly, also successful roles on HBO and FX. Of course Amy Schumer and the movies. Only Jim is the consistent failure in acting.

The fact Jim has acted in anything just shows the level of nepotism in this industry, & since weirdo pervs can relate to each other it becomes a breeding ground of deviant behaviour.

I named 4 comedians who acted on TV. Jim isn't one of them. Therefore, worst actor ever ever ever!! And that makes me MAAAD!!

Of the O&A comedians, which was a worse actor? I don't know, which NBA player is the best chef? They're two totally separate things.