People Jim Norton Defended More Passionately & Aggressively Than He Did For His Friend Louis CK

97  2018-07-23 by 867-5309-


Norton is a worm, but I don't feel bad at all for Louis. He was a pretentious faggot that needed to be knocked down a peg or two.

No question, but the Worm should not have been the one kicking out the stool from under him.

Hold up, hold up... relax lol. Do you seriously think Jam Portan has any clout to cause people to disavow louis??? The answer is no, Jin is a desperate closet faggot feeling his career and life slip through his hands like sand

I don't think he has any clout. But I loved seeing Louis' career fail to the point Jim Norton of all people was dismissing him. I get it, Norton sucks. But fuck Louis C.K.

Louis could rape women and still be worth more to the world than unfunny, fake, cuntfaced faggot Jim Boreton.

I have painted myself into a corner when I am defending Norton. What the hell have I done? (blows brains over early 2000's Dell desktop)

But did he use the toe trigger?

Fuck Jon Worton

I felt bad for Louis but I have no respect for his strategy of going in hiding & being quiet as the perception of his behavior got worse & worse. If he was vocal & defended himself with the truth he would be out of it already. There will be people that hate his guts but if anyone gets accused there is going to be a small percent of people that you just gotta write off. But these days people think Louis is a literal rapist & he just hides like a bitch as they say this shit


As soon as he made that groveling apology I lost all sympathy.

I see what you're saying but what did the 2 people on the right do wrong exactly?

Jerry just liked to wrestle

Jeffrey Dahmer just wanted to create a gay zombie sex slave. He did nothing wrong.

Creepy fucking movie with Jeremy Renner - very believable performance by him (unsurprisingly.)

Jeremy Renner

About Dahmer? Never seen it. Will check it out.

So they say.

clay aiken? lol

What did Hitler do wrong? Besides diverting his troops to aid Mussolini in Greece thus delaying Barbarossa etc

OP thinks that Hitler is the le most evil man in the world.

What? The Balkan campaign invading Yugoslavia delayed the start of Barbarossa by a month or two but Greece or Mussolini had nothing to do with it. Besides, even that had little real effect - 4 months, June to September was plenty of time to get to Moscow. Bad weather and logistical problems fucked the krauts in the Soviet union.

Oh literal McCuntfaceylmaO

Don't try and worm your way out of a schoolboy error with a joke from the show, stupid.

I always love the Jim Norton "fool's fool" political corner on the show. Jimmy's "I can't take it anymore!" paper-tiger outrage on any issue is so gay Richard Simmons called him a fag. He can't even complete a full sentence let alone an entire idea. He's an angry lonely worm and no one cares about his dopey two-faced opinions.

It’s nice you added a picture of Anthony smiling in there

What about R Kelly and Max Hardcore?

Gibs updoots

You included that Nanette broad in the picture, but I don't ever remember Jim defending her for anything?

Louis CK: Attell with less talent
