Anybody watching shark week? Thoughts

0  2018-07-23 by acountnumer666


I don't give a fuck about sharks. Sharks never did fuck all for me.

Shark week is nerd shit.

sharks are literally retard creatures with retard teeth

they can fuck straight off. megalodon mania and all that shit, finally trying to come back into peoples good graces.

BLACK EYES, like a Dolls EYES !

I’ve heard of sharks.

Most people I know into Shark Week are faggots, so I tend to avoid it.

Avoiding it isn't working.

watching 20mins of the ronda rousey swimming with sharks nonsense left me with two questions:

a) what the fuck does she think shes gonna do? punch the damn shark like its a french scuba diver?

2) why the fuck would she listen to the ‘shark expert’ missing his right arm and right leg?!sheesh thats the last guy i’d take advice from

I’d pay to see Rousey chomped up by a shark, but since that’s not gonna happen, fuck shark week and fuck sharks.

Read number two in Norm's voice

This is a mudsharks only subreddit.

Watching this Bear Grylls garbage on the west coast now, but I loved the Alien Sharks special on earlier

Shark Week got stupid years ago when they scrambled to try and live up to their hype and started showing making fake documentaries. Last night, the first show of this year was mostly about Shaquille O'Neil and Rob Riggle being afraid of sharks.

The best thing about Shark Week is that it made Nat Geo up their game and show "Sharkfest" opposite it.