Nice logo, stupid

8  2018-07-23 by SaltyJoeMatarese


That is about as terrible a logo as ive ever seen

It hurts my retinas

It looks like an optical illusion, it should come with an epilepsy warning

Is the illusion that it was made in MS Paint?

I feel like this could probably trigger seizures.

I wonder how much he paid for that.

All his Tough Crowd money is tied up in lawyer fees trying to prosecute the little girl that beat the shit out of him

Sucker punched him*

Honestly, probably not much or anything at all.

Nick loves the Aryan Nation and the Arial font.

The words 'Blut und Ehre' would be right at home in that logo

un099999p900000u8jjju I know liio6i55iloo88o88o8888ll8ku665o

Really unreadable, quality art here.

I posted it on Crappydesign to see just how crappy it is.

That's terrible but nowhere as bad as the LFTC logo.

This looks like he did it himself. With his eyes closed(well one of them)

Looks Masonic, right, u/RahShieWoo

You could make the argument that the color scheme is a duality but overall its kind of a shotty logo. No reason for the grey background. The only thing I can think of with nick is the background of his show is a union oyster bar. The unions are what a lot of masonic lodges are. Not necessarily the trouble makers but unions could be masonic.

The NDP type illustration is decent and creative but everything else is poorly executed. Colors suck, font choices are mediocre

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Is the illusion that it was made in MS Paint?