Opie is now talking in the third person

10  2018-07-22 by Dennyislife


‘He handled himself well’

No but seriously, Opie wrote that himself. “He handled himself well” no one was confronting him, he was just telling stories from his perspective. What was there to handle, are we suppose to applaud Opie for not getting riled up about questions he knew were coming?

He makes me want to just scream in aggravated frustration

He likes to make people think people are working for him. Watching the video now, he still doesn't get it even a little bit. He's the biggest victim in his head.

Well no one else is talking about him so he has to improvise

NOT ME: Here’s the video, brothaman! I, uh I mean Opie, knocked it out of the park on this one.

Why did almost everyone that ever associate with O&A develop some mental illness? I haven’t thought of them in years and looked into them a month ago and was shocked where these guys try to pass as entertainment now holy shit

Because acting the way they did, even if it’s for the radio, is terrible for your mental health. Fucking with homeless people, bullying the downtrodden, and constantly saying antisocial things might be funny to listen to, but it’ll fuck your mind up if that kind of stuff consumes you.