Self Proclaimed Proud Pedophile who thinks child rape is hilarious

10  2018-07-22 by unclepaul84


Daddy, why did you kill mommy? tweet always makes me laugh

I wanna wipe that booger out of the poor girls nose.

was anybody else genuinely bummed that Anthony's good buddy, frequent show guest and convicted rapist Mike Cernovich managed to get the guy who directed both of those "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies and was going to do the third one fired after he dug upyears and years old tweets the guy tweeted ,all of which were obviously 100 percent jokes but they involved pedophilia and some other touchy subjects. Those movies were probably my favorite of all the MCU movies, what I really can't understand though is if these alt right people are so against PC culture and for free speech why do they stoop to the same levels as the "libtards" and get somebody fired for jokes they made or things that they said.

what I really can't understand though is if these alt right people are so against PC culture and for free speech why do they stoop to the same levels as the "libtards" and get somebody fired for jokes they made or things that they said.

A lot of alt righters openly admit that they don’t believe in an objective right to free speech, and that they only appeal to free speech for opportunistic reasons. It’s one of these reasons I find them so frustrating, even though I agree with a lot of what they say. Thernovitch isn’t really alt right though. He’s alt light.

I ususally don't give a shit about most of these things even though I think they are bullshit and we live in a ridiculous time, I just think it sucks that it wont be the same guy directing the third movie as did the first two cause the first two were awesome in my opinion