Amanda Seyfried up skirt. (Big fan of the show.)

90  2018-07-22 by RBuddCumia


Oh my, this young lady forgot her britches

She has no wiener so I don't understand how she's a fan of the show

she is my favorite.

She has bug eyes she'll age like milk

True, bitch is already lookin kind of rough.

She got me hooked with those fappening photos.

She looks like a midget in that picture.

She has a donkey vagina.

Source: I grew up on a farm

The one and only thing they’re good for, scouting ahead so we know the best route on a nice evening walk

Is that really her?

Where's her penis?


Wow, Justin Long is my cockelgänger.

Does this shit honestly turn you retards on?

Well, I can only speak for myself, but, it doesn't turn me off. You unbearable fucking faggot cunt.

We think you might be gay, fam.


Did you hope for something else under the skirt?

What floats your boat, partner?


Gotta agree with you. Couldn’t imagine feeling the need to share this

I've fucked so many 9's that dropped to 6's the second their clothes came off, and by the look of that discolored ass crack and spindly limbs, Amanda isn't much different. I mean, pretty much every porn star these days is hotter/has a better body than the "sexiest" A-list celebrities; it's one thing to look good with a $5k, professionally-applied face of makeup and $50k worth of curated, designer clothing, and another to look hot naked in a Van Nuys living room lit by an illegal alien. Charlie Sheen raped Cory Haim, but his rationale for fucking porn stars was spot on: "Because I already know what they're going to look like with their clothes off."

Edit: Weird - from +7 to -9. How did that (((happen?)))

So what you really mean is you’ve fucked 6’s who’ve became 3’s

What I really mean is I've had sex with women, which puts me far ahead of your curve.

Ok “piggyboi” I’m sure you slay pussy

Look, I get it - it's hard for those incels who frequent this sub to believe that some members get laid, but it does actually happen. Now continue your autistic, sexually-frustrated rage posting.

I was making a joke about how the chicks you’re fucking are uglier than you’re letting on. You really took it to heart. Why the need to make a point you’re having sex? Leave it alone

"Why the need to make a point you’re having sex?"

Because I know you're not, which is why my original post triggered you so hard.

The irony is killing me. I made a funny joke about the pigs you’re fucking and you got hella defensive. But yeah you triggered me cause I’m a fragile snowflake.

You don't know what "irony" means.

Like I said, I made a comment in passing that any normal, sexually active heterosexual male would understand, and it infuriated you because you haven't seen pussy since you came out of one. You keep replying because it absolutely enrages you that normal people regularly have sex, while you struggle so terribly hard to just look women in the eyes. Keep replying and prove me right.

Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. It seems to work here. And Nice reverse psychology stupid.

You don't know what "reverse psychology" is.

But I'm glad you've looked up the meaning of the word you misused; hopefully you'll apply it appropriately in the future. Nevertheless, you're still an incel who is batshit incensed at the idea that there might be members of this sub who have sex with women. Now reply again, stupid - your impotent rage demands that you do.

“But keep replying and prove me right”. Most definitely a weak attempt at reverse psychology.

You should have looked up, "reverse psychology," just like you looked up, "irony." Regardless, you're still absolutely seething with beta rage simply because someone made an off-hand comment about sleeping with real-live women. Feels pretty bad, huh bud?

I think you mean “real-life” women. Now type me another essay. And the only rage here is from you when I said you’re fucking uglies

No stupid, I mean "real live:" And you're triggered - it's the sort of outrage only a sexless beta exhibits when he thinks about normal people with normal sex lives. So here's three sentences - is that what a dullard like you considers an "essay?"

I thought we weren’t looking up definitions dope? Real life certainly matches your sentiments more. Why do you keep saying I’m “angry” over and over again? You’re the one clearly upset. It’s plain to see

I wasn't, you were because you've proven you don't know the meaning of the words and concepts you use. Case in point: "Real live," as in "actual," not "real life," as in real. The context was pretty clear, and since it was, you know, my sentence, I probably know what I meant better than you. Look, you lost this point and there's simply no salvaging it; it's one thing to be an incel (I mean, look at the subs you participate in - they read like a basement dweller's starter kit), but it's an entirely other thing to be a dummy. Put the controller down, level up in "real life," and things will get a lot better for you (or maybe not - probably not tbh).

I really haven’t “lost” any point and you’re just going in circles with buzzwords like beta triggered and incel now youre going to the classic living in moms basement line. You’re a parody of the person you’re trying to be.

I'm not trying to be anyone, I'm just pointing out that you're furious that people have sex and you don't, that you don't know the words you use or comprehend context, and you play a lot of video games. You're right, though - a life like that does sound awfully (sadly?) like a parody.

t. angry virgin


Does it really bother you that much I made a joke about you fucking 6’s that end up bein 3’s? Your pride was severely damaged it seems. Not a very alpha move of you not gonna lie

Edit: would you feel better if I called you super cool, apologized and told you the women you’re sleepin with are beautiful? Cause my initial comment was seriously meant in jest.

This guy DM’d me saying “or what, faggot?” when I told him to calm down. He is incensed.

I’m really not surprised. He’s easy to rev up as you can see. He really doesn’t see the irony of him calling me triggered, when it’s evident he’s fuming over there.

Calm down, pigfucker.

Kiss and make up guys, we all have to band together to fight the real (((enemy))).


I get plenty too but I'm not about to pretend those 6's are 9's. Just own up you dumb faggot.

Now continue your autistic, sexually-frustrated rage posting.

You mean this

I've fucked so many 9's that dropped to 6's the second their clothes came off, and by the look of that discolored ass crack and spindly limbs, Amanda isn't much different. I mean, pretty much every porn star these days is hotter/has a better body than the "sexiest" A-list celebrities; it's one thing to look good with a $5k, professionally-applied face of makeup and $50k worth of curated, designer clothing, and another to look hot naked in a Van Nuys living room lit by an illegal alien. Charlie Sheen raped Cory Haim, but his rationale for fucking porn stars was spot on: "Because I already know what they're going to look like with their clothes off."

Fucking retard

Have you ever been on a porno set? It's a bit of a weird scene. I saw Sean Michaels plow some white soccer mom from the valley. It was nothing like Boogie Nights, it just seemed like it was a job to them.

It's super hard to believe that anyone fucks around here, but you can take it to the bank when I tell you that I fuck a lot.

Patrick Bateman has a reddit account. Yes!!

This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read.

Number 1, use the Patrice 0-30 scale for hotness, because to say that you fucked so many 9s is hysterically inaccurate. Guys who fuck so many 9s don’t know who O&A is, and are definitely not posting in some random subreddit for them.

9s are IG models, and could possibly be considered the most beautiful women in the world. To think they suddenly drop to a 6, an average girl, because she’s naked is both gay and stupid.

Number 2, eat a dick faggot.


Back in my man whore days, I always noticed that women were perfectly OK with it, but dudes hated it. I think the reason for this is because there are a ton of guys who've only fucked 3-4 women in their entire life. So if you tell them that you fucked 3-4 women in the last year, they just assume that you're completely full of shit. (I wasn't.)