Speculation | Spuds Buckley was about how opie was sodomized to get into showbuisness.

1  2018-07-21 by RahShieWoo

The whole getting fucked in the ass thing is thrown around alot but I am almost sure now it refers to homoinitiatic experiences. His name is spuds buckley.

Spud= penis

buck= escaping from grappeling move.

His catchphrase was "a buck for a fuck". There is a strong theme about forced assfucking here like louis ck said the frats like skull and bones and even the well even the freemasons did. His name is spuds buckley his catchphrase is "a buck for a fuck" and he sells fudgy wudgy bars or shit dicks. Then lydia a woman caller asks opie why he is so upset and he throws a mug and says lydia needs a "big black dick up her ass" in response to her suggesting he go to therapy. Its not just a hunch I am almost sure its about him getting fucked in the ass secretly.

It explains the hammering in the background it explains the parade you have the what are they the freemasons are usually riding around parades he goes up and down the vendors of the parade selling fudgy wudgy bars.

This is also why cumtown is named cumtown. Its why jimmy is hipster gay. Its why there is the constant homoerotic humor. Anthony got into a fight with a twitter follower and he got mad when the twitter follower said he heard things about how anthony might have done gay shit. Its how they run people through and basically I guess blackmail them or at least make them keep their mouths shut. At first I didn't know why the show would make fraternity jokes I thought they where cutting babies with knives and shit they are apparently just forced to be fucked in the ass. i don't know if it was a one and done thing or that opie still has to back into a shaft every now and then but spuds buckley is about spuds going in your ass and bucking or trying to buck out of it. That is the fudgy wudgy bars.

I was listening to the spuds buckly trashing and bob kelly wanted opie to continue after only playing LALALALALALA! saying "please dear for the love of god keep playing that". That reminded me of bob's embarressing tape with the burley bear network. Remember one of his big cringe moments from that? when he went to break saying "Fa-lalala fa-lalala"

LALALA is a code word its why they call hollywood LALA land. Get assfucked and then suck in your cheecks as you saunter around acting above everyone else. Your all done. Vos was clearly fucked in the ass. Howard stern admitted bill cosbey fucked him in the ass. Sam has been fucked in the ass troy and anthonyt and adam carolla and carl ruiz and sherrod and tony henchcliff and brody stevens and ari shaffir and tom segura and bert kriescher and joe rogan and who else? Anyone with those levels of notoriety and above and below brian redban was fucked in the ass at the boysclub.and I cast a big net but most of these people where forcefully assfucked and they take that anger out on us the uninitiated because that is what they are taught to do and that is what they are allowed to do.

