Jealous, civilians?

57  2018-07-21 by RBuddCumia


She looks like the best friend of a gay couple.

She is.

Someone crop out the @'s then post it to r/lgbtq as a gay couple taking their surrogate out for dinner.

Be careful Jim, you may get a contact buzz you pussy

The whole bit with her is so confusing to me I feel like they're working a gimmick. Like one day you'll hear glass breaking, Midnight Rider starts playing, and she'll rip off her mask revealing it was ESD the whole time.

What a worthless bunch of nothing's.

the place is empty.

How has Jim not fucked her yet? He really must be gay.

signs that you're a creep: you've been out on a dozen "dates" with a prostitute, but she refuses to fuck you and she'll only hang out with you if someone else is there to keep you from raping her.

She doesn’t have a dick, so he’s not interested.

Why does Jim look most like a girl of the 3

She looks like the kind of girl that wants money for sex, but gets offended if you call her a prostitute

What’s she doing sitting there with Hymen and Garfunkel?

All three of them add up to a 4.

She's absolutely hideous from the neck up, and everything from the neck down is surgically enhanced.

Hey everyone, check out the banquet hall waiter they got a picture from after a wedding with a curb-side whore!

Delusional Grandeur is real with these people.

Delusions of grandeur, stupid.

Now thats what i call a braphog

Nice flowers, stupid.

Is she the puerto rican girl he started fucking after his wife got pregnant?

Sam Looks Like a Klingon With that Fucking Forehead

She really is a hideous ninja turtle looking bitch.

I'm totally jealous of someone who has no better options for a birthday dinner than co-worker and whore. Totally.

I'm totally jealous of someone who has a birthday party with their coworker and a whore. Throw in some booze and drugs and you have a party.

This? Not so much.

It bugs me that they're using Oasis' font.


I can't wait until she kills them both.

Yes we are

Jesus she looks like a crack whore

I know right she's beautiful

Looks like she took a couple percs

You would have to to sit between those two fruits.

Looks like?

She’s in the middle of an overdose

Her face needs ropes of cum

It's the eyes

“Yeah you see how you scum”

The Instagram story of the cake being brought out and then singing is hilarious. Jim tries to make it a goof and I'm sure its all Sam's doing but its deeply tragic.

Jim with a god damn coffee in front of him.....

Decaf. Gawd forbid his sleep gets interrupted.

She is a filthy bitch who earns her crust by tongue punching negro anus on film, yet those 2 faggots treat her like she's the queen of Sheba. She can barely contain her contempt for them in that photo, the couple of pandering little toads that they are.


Jim Norton is addicted to adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is made there is only one source from it. The back of the neck of people who are tortured. Once children are at least 4 years old then they are tortured to raise the adrenaline in the bloodstream. This is why the satanists torture kids before they kill them and skin them and shit. Its why they wear the plain white masks its all to raise the adrenaline so that they are maximum terrified before they are killed and they take a syringe to the back of the neck and extract the adrenochrome from the spinal column. You can not drug test for it and it is supposed to not exist so thats how he gets away with saying he is sober.You see it is like dmt but an afterglow that lasts all day. Kirk sinnamen is jim on adrenochrome. Search google for "adrenochrome the deadliest drug of them all" and it is a real drug hunter s thompson made snuff films at bohemian grove. What does jim watch? Snuff films when he can't get his fix he edges to snuff films. Have a good day!!!

Not gonna lie, would smash but definitely wouldn't take her out to dinner. Maybe White Castle and four loko cans maybe.

Idk why you’re getting down voted. This sub is weird sometimes.

At least he is not wearing those fucking pink pants

They are maroon you hater of style.

What do these three people possibly have in common?


They all love cock.

I don't think Mary Jean loves cock, I think she just loves money

Take my comment more seriously.

Well Sam is married and had a baby so...

Your point?

I was taking your joke more seriously. Maybe he only likes cock.

He won't even eat steak. He's not adventurous enough to suck a dick. That's not to say he isn't a massive faggot though.

Stupid little shit like this is what makes me laugh and keeps me coming back. Thanks for the laugh, friend.

They all have scurvy.

Someone should send this to Sam's poor wife Jess.

Enough of this poor Jess shit. She's obviously a dumb piece of shit as well. She willingly chose to tie herself to Sam for life, first through marriage and then doubled down by letting the cunt impregnate her.

Tyrone already is.

Looks like a gay couple doing the charitable thing of feeding a dying prostitute they found on a ditch

Jimmy and Mary Jean are the friend zone couple that Troy and Sam were making fun of. Right there in front of Jimmy nonetheless.

It's funny how obvious that was to everyone but Jim

Got a link to this?

Hahaha holy shit!

Does she have aids?

I'd kill myself if this was my life.

And I'm a person commenting on this.

Norton makes me fucking sick to look at.

Who the fuck is Mary Jean?

A dominican transvestite prostitute with michael jackson plastic surgery

That paints quite the picture.


Jesus can they get a bigger table.

That bitch is disgusting. The only thing these 2 have in common with her is the double sided dildo sticking out of her ass.

Man, I wish I could hang out with a worn-out sentient pocket-pussy!

He won't even eat steak. He's not adventurous enough to suck a dick. That's not to say he isn't a massive faggot though.