Jim is currently celebrating his birthday with Sam and Mary Jeanne.

3  2018-07-21 by RBuddCumia

He’s having dinner with the two of them.



And that’s... that’s all I got.

I saw that on instagram.Wow he really has no friends left.If this was 10 years ago he would of had bobby ,vos,patrice,keith,o and a and his actual friends from high school.Sam is only there because he has to be and mary jean is also a fuckin loser with no friends

Or more likely Jim paid for her company.

Trust me shes equally as pathetic as jim at least jim is 50 this bitch isnt even 30 yet and has no friends

Why doesn't he ever do stuff with his parents and sisters and cousins? He goes to the houses of other standups for Thanksgiving and Christmas, for instance. Its weird.

And that’s... that’s all I got.