What a hideous couple

52  2018-07-21 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Could Ant find new pussy after Missy is gone? It's already been years since he lost his Sirius show. I want him to start tweeting from the dive bars he used to hang out after tin knocking.

Request: put the mr. peanut hat and monocle on that mug, please.

I bet she has a 95mph breaking ball with those jacked up dude arms.

She owns the inside part of the plate.

As well as the inside part of Nana’s asshole.

Gotta admit though, I was amazed when Missy got out of handcuffs after stealing from Granthony by just flexing her traps. Snapped em right off her goddamn wrists.

Looks like he's switched to the low sodium soy sauce for the hair.

Nice Bon Jovi video vixen hair, whore

Ant looks wet all the time


Just applied the hair dye 15 minutes before the photo was taken.

Alcoholic flop sweat. We've all been there at our lowest point

Some of us have been there for years at a time

Speak for yourself. My only addictions are exercise and church! 😋

Then you're not doing it right cowboy

Well it's the tight pants on those Mets players

Burn victim Joe Piscopo lookin' mug.

Anthony is Joe Piscopo's evil twin, scuttling around the attic.

I dunno guys shes a very pretty fit young blonde girl and hes...ya know... Dr. Frank N Furter sans makeup....

The FBI is known to black out children victims.

Saudi Sheik and his trophy wife.

More like the Iron Sheikh (if he had aids) with mid 90s Triple H.

Let's meet in the middle and call her post-plastic surgery Chyna.

Ant looks like current Chyna.

But she's dea... ooohhh

Participation trophy?

Ol' popcorn face and his jew pet

Ant has the hair of Tom Savini when he turns into a rat in From Dusk Till Dawn

I wish I could take my Nana to a ballgame but she's among the departed now :(

That's pretty chill, can she get me Matt Damon's autograph or sumpin'

Masculine Missy looks like Kaley Cuoco here..only with an even more busted face.


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Never figured Liberace and his partner Scott Thorson to be major baseball fans.

Lego hair?

God forbid he leave the house without 2 shirts on.

You wouldn't want Nana to catch a chill. At her age, a common cold can quickly become pneumonia then it's good night Vienna.

That was a popular look in 1995.

Malecum in the Middle

Tony two shirts

That kid's face being scrubbed out makes this look like an Interpol plea for information.

He really turned into Joe Piscapo

Aww she took her great grandfather out for some, as he calls it, town ball.

Not gonna lie and say missy isn't pretty good looking, but if I had a dollar for everytime someone asked if she was with her dad I'd be making Compound Media money

Moris wigs dont come off! even in baseball game winds

Today! Today! Today!

Not sure what's gotten faker, Ant's hair or his ability to feign that he isn't miserable.

keys in cat shit

Who's the guy on the left?

"....maybe she has a big smile with LOTS of gums and teeeeeeny tiny chicklet teeth."

What’s inside Missy’s mind. Impossible not to wonder.

💰🍷🎮 🐱🏠 - 💀 🐜

It looks like she is wearing a blonde wig that is sliding backwards off her head and her brown boy hairdo is showing. I dare you to unsee it now.

She's hot, what am I missing?

She's nuts if she's with him. That's what

Missy looks good, and could probably do better.

Depends how you look at it. She's a decent looking girl so physically she could do better than some racially ambiguous ghoul 3 X her age. But she's also insane. So the trade off for her is to marry and start a family with the Valley Stream gym teacher or Bob from middle management and live the lower middle class lifestyle that entitled white women resent or leech off an old millionaire freak.

I don't get the hate.

she's alright looking. it's her soul that's ugly

He's going way too hard on the brown hair dye. Maybe work a little grey in there Nana.


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Nana and Mr. Missy

ugly gouhlish cunt face

Anthony looks like shit too.

Bitch looks like someone slipped Smylax into her beer.

He spent the night drunk and refreshing his ex girlfriend's Twitter and responded to her seconds after she posted something, but this no self esteem having hooker still poses for photos with that dumb turtle face smile like she's not wasting her life.

Missy has beautiful hair. Face is ok.

Why did you black out the kid's eyes?

Did Nana quit taking his propecia?

The caliber of women he's dating is directly proportional to his wealth. She's not a bad looking woman but Melissa Stetten was more attractive, and Jill Nicolini was more attractive than both of them.

She probably got roofied and raped by Anthony and the next morning while Anthony was in shower she went through his desk and found the liver test results and thought "12-16 months for this house is pretty good deal"

Why don't they have lips

That nice lady took her PopPop out.

Fresh dye job, I see


She’s hot. I’d poke her

Anthony is Joe Piscopo's evil twin, scuttling around the attic.